


6 years, 10 months ago


Name:  Prince Ame of the Kingdom of Demons

Age:  Approximately 10,000

Birthday: March 4th

Gender: Male

Hight: 4'11

Sexuality: Homosexual

Relationship Status: 
Single (in pursuit of Ven )

Species: Tailmouth

Occupation:  Host (formerly prince)

Aimee is very rude, stubborn, childish, blunt, and bratty. He refuses to accept that he cannot have anything and everything he wants. He feels entitled to the things he deserves but is proven willing to work for those things if need be.

Ven, Naps, cake

Pants, hearing the word 'no', Maki

Aimee was born a demon, but not just any demon. He was born as the son of the demon king himself. As prince, he was entitled to anything and everything as long as he stayed in the castle and followed the rules. He saw no reason to break the rules, as he was given anything his heart desired, including his own personal slave. His slave was a human man named Ven that treated him very kindly, and was always patient with Aimee's rude attitude. He spent all his time ensuring his prince's happiness, telling him stories of the world outside the castle walls, bringing him gifts, teaching him things. However, the kingdom fell into anarchy after the king died. They didn't feel that a Demon as immature and uneducated as Aimee was ready for the throne, so the military general took charge instead until he was prepared. His first order of business was to ban all non demons from the kingdom until there was order, and anyone who resisted was executed. Unfortunately, Ven the human refused to leave his prince and was sentenced to death by burning. 

Aimee REFUSED to live without the servant he loved, and decided to look up ways to bring him back to life. he studied for years and found nothing that worked. One day, He absentmindedly made a wish on a dandelion, A wish to be with his beloved. And with his wish, a fairy was born. Guum promised to make his wish come true and informed Aimee that when a human dies, they are reincarnated into an animal. Aimee decided to use a spell he had learned while searching for a resurrection spell to turn himself into an animal and set out to find his reincarnated beloved with Guum's guidance.

Aimee's father, King Fah of the Demon Kingdom, died when Aimee was roughly 10,000. Aimee has never met his mother and has know idea who she is.

Aimee's only friend who can really be considered a 'friend' is Guum. He is very fond of Ven though and spends a lot of time with him and Maki