


2 years, 10 months ago




Previous Names Moonkit

10 Moons

Starting Age 6 Moons [08.10.21]


Sexuality Unsure


Rank Apprentice

Current Mentor

Apprentice N/A


Tracker Link

CSS Eggy

Moonpaw is a small, lithe young she-cat with silky, long spleckled blue grey fur and luminous pale blue eyes. Her fur lays flat against her body giving a slip-stream appearance flaring out only on her cheeks, chest, and tail.


Level 1
HP 15/15
Attack 9 (-1)
Defence 9 (-1)
Agility 11 (+0)
Charisma 11 (+0)
Intelligence 12 (+0)
Wisdom 13 (+1)


  • Plants
  • Frogs
  • Water
  • Seaclan


  • Mean cats
  • Bright lights
  • Anyone who says bad things about Rainstar
  • TBA


Moonpaw's App


+ Poised • Observant • Compassionate || = Spiritual • Inquisitive • Optimistic || - Self-conscious • Neglectful • Forgiving

Above all else Moonpaw is a very caring and nurturing young molly, she has an extremely welcoming personality and is rarely seen without her signature smile. Moonpaw is gracious and respectful to those around her, always willing to lend an ear to any who need to vent or a fair opinion on a situation, she tries her best to remain a neutral party -- unless it involves Rainstar then she may become a bit biased. Moonpaw believes that every side deserves a voice. While easily excitable she does hold herself elegantly and proud. Moonpaw does have an almost unsettling way of telling when someone is upset or if there’s something weighing on their minds and is often always the first to offer a kind word, a cool plant, or some quality cuddles.

While Moonpaw is honest and freethinking, she is a devout follower of Seaclan. Both of her parents followed Tidestar during the split, they believed in him full-heartedly, when Moonpaw was born she knew nothing of Starclan aside from the fact that it was a Skyclan belief. A curious soul she can sometimes get a little overzealous in her mission to find the answer to a question she has and often ends up getting so caught up in her quest that she forgets other things around her. Moonpaw always looks on the brighter side of situations, always one to offer a chipper smile and she strives to be positive even in the face of negativity. Moonpaw struggles with the reality of things, and realists can find her difficult.

Being the niece of Tideclan's current leader Moonpaw feels that she should hold herself a certain way, while her relation to Rainstar doesn't give her any special treatment, nor does she ever expect it to, she feels that the way others look at her reflect how they look at her parents and in connection Rainstar -- because of this Moonpaw tends to be overly concerned about her actions and what others think of her. Moonpaw will push herself further than her limits to prove herself even at the cost of her own health, she thinks everyone else is more important than her and she will neglect herself and often has to be reminded to eat and sleep.




• Born to Mistfall and Fernbreeze along side littermate Sunkit.

• Too young to remember the shift in leadership Sunkit and Moonkit remained blissfully unaware of the tension surrounding the clan.

• They were 2 moons when they heard of abnormally large creatures found around the clan lands, Sunkit couldn't care less but Moonkit's eyes sparkled she wanted to know everything, but Fernbreeze and Mistfall did everything they could to keep everything from them.

• Fernbreeze only got more protective after the snake skin was brought back to camp. Moonkit wanted to get up close to it but her mother wouldn't let her.

• Moonpaw couldn't quite wrap her head around the idea of this "ghost cat" and the whispers about this "cap'n" left her with more questions than answers.


• Becoming an apprentice was the best day ever but the start of her relationship with Egretsong felt rocky in the begining, the older warrior was going through some mental challenges and it had nothing to do with Moonpaw but the younger couldn't help but to feel like she played a small part in overwhelming her mentor. Even after others had explained to her that none of it was her fault she played it off with a smile but deep down she still blamed herself. She knew that she could be too much sometimes, they were all just being nice to her...

• Moonpaw didn't understand exactly how her aunt felt or the words that were spoken to the mysterious "Ravager", just that her father had a worried look on his face and his concern for his sister grew. She asked if maybe giving Auntie Rainstar a gift would cheer the Tideclan leader up but Mistfall told her it would be best to let Rainstar rest...

• Things seemed to calm down for just a moment, then rumours of Skyclan wanting to take Blueberry cove came to light. Still young and not a great fighter Moonpaw still told Rainstar she wanted to help. Fernbreeze, Mistfall and Egretsong were quick to try and hush her words but if Anutie Rainstar needed her there was nothing that could stop her. Though it didn't end up coming to a fight. The Skyclan leader died then and there. Moonpaw didn't get to see exactly what happened, she and Sunpaw were quickly sheilded from the scene and ushered away.

• Moonpaw's first leafbare brought many hardships and her first encounter with loss. While she was saddened to hear of everyone who was lost, one in particular hit her harder. Raggedweed was an oddball but so was Moonpaw, and he was always willing to take her constant chattering and questions in stride, his chill demeanour calmed her down and she really enjoyed the time she spent with him. At finding out of his passing she became reclusive, not straying far from her mother...



  • Moonpaw || prefix; Moon: because of her eyes || Suffix; Paw: Traditional apprentice title
  • Chaotic Good - Good intentions, Questionable Methods. She doesn't really see the harm of doing something if the outcome helps everyone.
  • Moonpaw takes words to heart even if she doesn't show it and is prone to depression and anxiety.
  • Frogs are absolutely her favorite thing in the world.
  • While she doesn't take kindly to anyone speaking bad about Tideclan or Rainstar, Moonpaw doesn't think badly of Skyclan as a whole. Some of those cats are really nice!
  • TBA



Fernbreeze & Mistfall

Moonpaw's mom and dad. Moonpaw loves her parents dearly and is very close to them, she thinks that her father is the strongest and coolest warrior (only second to Rainstar but would never tell Mistfall that.)



Moonpaw's Aunt and overall idol! Moonpaw looks up to Rainstar immensely and thinks she is the greatest cat in the world… To speak ill of the Tideclan leader is seen as an insult to Moonpaw and she will gladly fight for her leader’s honor.



Moonpaw's mentor! Like another aunt Moonpaw looks up to Egretsong and just wants to do her best to make the warrior proud!