
2 years, 11 months ago



??? | 6'2" | ??? | Slime


Curious - Naïve - Childish - Cheerful - Optimistic

As Vee has only recently gained Sentience, her personality is not quite set yet. She is at the moment a very childlike creature, looking at the world with sparkly eyes and the attention span of a goldfish. She wants to learn about everything, but can barely hold her attention long enough to process that info before moving on to the next thing. What is known now, alongside her childlike behavior is she is surprisingly cheerful and optimistic, any negative situation almost bouncing completely off of her. But then again, she might just not be aware of the fact that her actions have consequences, and those consequences can be rather dire...


Vee is one of many creatures known as Garbage Slimes, a variant of slime that was created solely to deal with the trash problem the world was having. These creatures are practically animalistic, existing only to feed on the mess humans leave behind until none was left. However, Vee broke out of containment and escaped the facility she was kept in, from there only wandering around and invading people's garbage cans to feast. At one point someone starting yelling and threating her, and in a fit of desperation, she killed the threat via decapitation and dismemberment of the two arms, before hiding herself in the remains of the human.

Her first memory was waking up slumped over by the alleyway and the sound of sirens blaring. Unsure of the weight of her actions, yet fearing her fate, she fled the scene, unknowingly taking the body with her and solidifying it as her permanent home. She's pretty much lived like this ever since, jumping from town to town and being as much of a menace as an average Raccoon would be. all while she gradually learns about the world around her, and finds out more about the person in the photo she found in her pocket...


-Iron stomach: Vee can eat literally anything and everything. She tends to feed more on garbage or things that cannot decompose normally (like plastics and glass), although she has tried normal people food.

-Agility: A gift from her new body, she can now run places. Oh, and she almost NEVER gets tired, so she can run for ages at a time.

-Slime distribution: Her true slime body is see sticking out of the arms and the head, the parts of the body that was removed by Vee. these part can be cut with ease, but Vee can just as easily replace the part lost or regrow it. On top of that, she can re-distribute the slime parts to make herself stronger in one area or another. There are 3 tiers of slime Distribution:
Tier 1: The standard 2 arms and one head. Has the highest endurance of the bunch.
Tier 2: Either 2 arms fuse into 1 while leaving the head, or an arm and a Head fuse, leaving an arm. The 2 Arms works great for blocking incoming attacks, or even dishing out huge blunt damage from punching. The Head/Arm fuse gives Vee a strong bite attack, while leaving something to still dish out damage if the fused part gets cut off. Both run the risk of losing 2 parts of the body, if the fused part is cut off first.
Tier 3: All 3 parts fuse into one, and can appear from any of the 3 stumps. She gains a bite as powerful as a crocodile, however she runs the risk of losing control of her human body if cut off, as she's putting all her eggs into one basket doing this!


-The human appeared to be an FtM trans, although they had not completely transitioned. Vee only knows this because of strange scars she found on the chest, and learned those likely used to be breasts.