🌿 Asshaya



6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info



Age:several thousand years
Value:9 840 RUB (175 USD)


Asshaya at the withers reaches only one and a half meters, weighs about forty kilograms. In the physique, a broad, voluminous thoracic cage is especially prominent, in comparison with which the stomach seems even thinner and leaner. Paws of Asshaya remind monkeys - small, short, with dexterous and tenacious fingers. The tail is long and very mobile, with a noticeable undercoat at the base. On the neck (especially on the withers), chest, abdomen and on the folds of the limbs, fur is also noticeably longer than in other places. The color of the coat varies from dairy to woody-bard.
Instead of a muzzle at Asshai a wooden mask with a rough zigzag cut of the mouth. The inner parts of the mask glow with light green, from the nostrils and mouth, sometimes there is green light smoke. With his help, Asshaya can grow small plants. The ears are a "house", long and sharp. In them, Asshaya constantly wears heavy gold earrings-disks with a chain. Once upon a time, she simply stole them from some old merchant ...
In addition to jewelry, Asshay often drags along an old beige poncho with ethnic ornaments. She thinks this poncho is a gift from Shagane, although in fact she just tried herself in sewing clothes, and then threw off the scraps of cloth, from which nothing good came out. Pulling the thread and needle out of the house, Asshaya widened them, altered the line, trimmed - in other words, led into a divine appearance, and then left herself. And although Asshaya does not show any attachment to this poncho, she loves him madly and cherishes them as a memorable gift.
Of other important details: a gunshot wound in the left side, which Asshay received as a reward for her antics once upon a time.


Life in the forest is quite boring and monotonous, so Asshaya all the conscious life was forced to seek entertainment on its own. It can be safely called cunning, witty and even inventive; she will not miss the opportunity to pee or laugh for the sake of circling someone around her finger. Often scares tourists and travelers who have lost their way in the forest - turns into forest animals (no matter whether it's a hare or a deer) and rushes at people, rustling loudly in the bushes, crunches with branches, or walks after a long time. From a distance, it can be confused with a deer, as the habits and plastic of the Asshaya really resemble deer. Occasionally, it may come closer to human dwellings, but only from own curiosity. In general, new acquaintances are cold, almost do not talk with people, although in fact they can. Most likely, already from the first seconds of communication you will not like her. However, the most difficult thing in relations with Ashaia is to begin. She takes a long time to look, but eventually gets used to it, opening more and more. For those who managed to win her position and trust, she remains a faithful and caring friend. True, sometimes it can break into hyper-cursing and even insolence, like an importunate and jealous mother ... But it's hardly possible to look after yourself: he believes that he knows more, and therefore he does not listen to anyone. Over the course of her long life, she has seen a lot of things and in the course of time has ceased to feel fear for anything, and Asshaya herself is not sure whether it's good or bad.
Despite such a capricious nature, Asshaia manages to remain unperturbed even in the most strange and out of the ordinary situations, which allows her to remain cautious and sober mind almost always. For her, it is very important that there is order everywhere and in everything. Perhaps, this is one of the most important credo for her.
Often Asshaya "burns out" and it takes time to regain strength and recover. At such moments, she sleeps for a long time on the porch of the house of Shagane or by the fireplace.



To tease and frighten people, sing in ancient languages and imitate a human voice, steal food and jewelry. It gives a special weakness to any golden trinkets, to old things: from dusty carpets to good wine. Sensitive to smells, literally melts away from the aromas of coffee and cinnamon. Crazy with live music (ethnic, folk, etc.) and playing the harp. And he loves little dogs (but this is not always mutual). Bursts into everything, which you can dig in (usually it's old quilted blankets). She does not need food, but she likes sweets, fruit marmalade, red wine, mulled wine or coffee.
Loves when someone smells delicious.


Hates when someone scares her for the sake of a thing, makes noise or makes loud, sharp sounds. Does not get along with the technique (more precisely, nothing at all in it does not understand). Avoids people and detests cats