Dr. Albert Wetch



Dr. Wetch Bio:

Dr. Albert Wetch was one of the Voltage Co. research and prison lab facilities top researchers and inventors, and one of the most respected of their staff for the overall improvement of life on Welexar island and its sister islands. During his time working for the company, he developed certain health issues that affected his mobility. In order to remedy this he began work on an exosuit that would gradually improve his condition and mobility. During the testing of this device, it malfunctioned and severed the top half of his body from his lower half, after recovering from the incident he built himself a device to remotely connect his 2 halves together. He continued his work in private with his assistant after the accident but disappeared not too long after starting, leaving his assistant with his works in progress. Nobody on the island knows where he went, this is because he had another accident involving the data towers he was working on, trapping him in the plane of energy to watch over and study the universe to his own freedom.

Full Bio: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZyOn-U_Qclay5NcMQS2Fh5H3vgewc7nSBXZXLdnx8rs/edit?usp=sharing