


2 years, 10 months ago



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Sparkling water, movies

Are you all having fun?
―talking to crowd

Jace is a demon who's the vocalist/guitarist in Karta.


Jace has vitiligo, he has patches of white skin all over him, the most notible being on his right eye and cheek. Her locs are black with blue dye. She wears black long sleeved shirt overlayed with a blue unbuttoned shirt tucked into her belt. He has 2 chains on his neck, a skull dangling off one. The other two on his pants, a cross and skull dangling off. She wears black jeans with shoes that have buckles- Also her nails are dyed black and blue


Jace comes off as easy to get along with and motherly, always looking out for her band members. He shows a lot of respect and graditude to those around him as to not get on their bad side. Deep inside though, Jace can be very apathetic. He doesn't care about those who don't admire or like him, as they're below him. She's very proud of her talents, and doesn't handle critism very well. Jace loves performing-she loves the crowd screaming his name, he loves the admiration, the thrill. Jace can be very flirty with others she knows she has power over, this helps her get her way.


Jace comes from a species of demon similar to sirens, using music/vocals to attract others and gain their power. She’s always been praised for her looks but didn’t really understand why. She never understood emotions. As a child, seeing other children crying confused her, ‘what’s there to be upset about?’ she wondered. As he grew, Jace would sing for his town’s people. This gained her more strength, more control. While she was glad she attracted others, she began to become irritated she couldn’t really connect with others. To do this, she enrolled herself into the psychiatric school. The people here would have more powerful emotions, which she’d like to study, and as well attract a bigger, stronger audience. He quickly became well known, for his looks, singing, and overall charming personality. Jace was on a look out for people who were special, and for them to create a band for her, as she wanted to create a powerful group. The first one he sought out was Moira. They were in the same grade and class and would often see her in the music room, spiking her interest. Next was Karo, and lastly Fiori.

Jace has a vision for Karta; obtain as much energy and love from their fans to become the most unstoppable group. With this, they’ll tower over everyone else in the music industry. He also wants music that’ll express what she’s learned and seen in the school, all the mental illnesses that the students struggle with.



Haha, you really like that doll dont you?
―Jace to Fiori

Jace and Fairi get along pretty well. He views them as a younger sibling, making sure they're doing their best. At first Fairi and Jace didn't get along at all, Fairi was hardly approchable and didn't talk too much. After he made them the doll though, they began to open up and talk more. Jace finds it a bit annoying how they take their doll everywhere, but nevertheless find it cute.


This duo is known as JK, fans love it when they post pictures together. Jace finds it weird how even tho Karo has wings he rarely uses them, but she tries to encourage him to be more productive. They often watch movies together but Karo always falls asleep


  • His favorite genre of movie are sad ones
  • Her memory is very good
  • Two patches of white skin on her hand are in the shape of a cross