Popuri Amatsu




A highschooler who keeps getting dared to do dangerous things.

  • Name Popuri Amatsu
  • Age 17
  • Height 4'10"
  • Occupation Student
  • Personae Patroclus (Hope/Moon), Sisyphus (Charity/Sun)
  • Personality

    Popuri is meek and shy to begin with, which is surprising given that she doesn't refuse to take the dares given to her by her 'friends'. Looks like her inability to say no surpasses her fear of the unknown. She doesn't have a very good memory and it takes her a couple of tries to understand new concepts. Very gullible.

  • Appearance

    Popuri wears a school compliant outfit to most places: a school uniform t-shirt, dark jeans, and white loafer shoes. She wears her red hair in a ponytail, and her bangs are getting long enough to cover a bit of her eyes.

  • Likes Sweets, accessories, social life segments
  • Dislikes Haunted/horror things, explosions, feeling left out
  • Backstory

    Popuri comes from a middle-class family and attends one of the public highschools located in Mazehart. She started her Chasm diving experience when she lost a bet with her friend group and they dared her to sign up for one of the jobs posted. Since then, she's done some more Chasm work as either the result of more dares, or helping out friends she made along the way. Her Chasm work is one of the only secrets she keeps from her parents...hopefully her grades don't drop (more) because of it.

  • Diana Harte Aunt

    Popuri has a cool hardboiled aunt living in a far off city. Popuri tries to remember Diana when she's trying to be brave. Diana doesn't visit much, but loves to bring Popuri konpeito, one of Popuri's favorite treats.

  • Trivia
    • ● Popuri is very easy to prank or mislead. No one has taken advantage of this.....yet.
    • ● Popuri was made at the same time as Tide, and was supposed to also have 0 braincells, but in a different way. Popuri's original description is, "Will do anything you ask her to, can't say no. Lawful dumbass. Got dared to go into the Chasms?"
    • ● Popuri isn't sure what she wants to be when she grows up. She does like to make projects with fabric, but she is also interested in psychology, like her mother.
    • ● Popuri cries very easily. If she's stressed, if she's teased, if she's hurt....

profile html by Hukiolukio