


2 years, 9 months ago


2 yrs (24)
Abyssinian/Somali mix
Voice Claim

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An Abyssinian and Somali cat mix. Ebony is a product of an affair in hopes to gain status and respect in the clan. But in reality she just yearns for a family.

Quiet and withdrawn. Ebony craves a functional family, but has been dealt a hand of hurt and abandonment, that results in awakening a side of her she never knew she had.

Introverted - Extroverted
Unjust - Fair
Reserved - Affectionate
Deceptive - Sincere

Craving a real family, Ebony would bend over backwards for her family. Only to be met with distain by her mother and a "father" that tries but fully cannot commit.

Growing up not knowing the full extent of who she is and why some of the clan members avoid her or look down on her, including her own mother. Ebony grew to be a quiet and withdrawn kitten to then a cold and calculated cat.



Ebony is the result of her mother having an affair with another cat in a rival clan. A big strong cat who Ebony's mother thought and hoped would then pass onto the child and result in her family becoming highly respected in the clan. But when Ebony was born she was tiny and slender, much to her mothers distain and with how their clan picks their warriors would result in Ebonys mother resenting her.

Ebonys would not know who she truly was. To her, her "father" that she grew up with was her true father. But her mother would scold her mate in getting to close to Ebony, resulting in her "father" still caring for Ebony but keeping a distance from her to prevent any more tension being built.

Ebony grew with 2 brothers who were indifferent about her, respecting their mothers wishes but also not really wanting to see their younger sibling starve. They would tease her to a point.

Ebony found it hard to make friends, many other parents keeping their child away from her or Ebony just not realling knowing how to approach anyone, resulting in her watching from afar as the other kits would run around and play. She would make a friend in a cat named Hollow, who helped Ebony come out of her shell and the other cats would start to welcome her along with their parents, who still would be distant, ending up allowing them to play. Though this would all be coming too late in Ebony's life.

Growing up

Ebony's clan have a specific "ritual" when becoming warriors or medicine. Although Ebony had a difficult time with her mother growing up, when it came to this ceremony, Ebony's mother had some hope in maybe accepting her child if she was to become a warrior and become what she hoped would be a top ranking warrior and then deputy to the clan. Which sadly was not the case.

Ebony wasn't set on who she wanted to be for the clan, what ever role she was given she would do her best for the duty of the clan. Her brothers before her got their warrior marks, making her mother proud and excited that things might be going in her favour "to raise the perfect warriors". Then when Ebony approaches the elder to recieve her markings, she was denied, never recieving her mark to either warrior or medicine. Due to her blood not being pure Runeclan cat.

Ofcourse Ebony could not understand, her mother sneering at her through the crowd in dissapointment. Noise and uproar would happen as this has never happened in the clan before, resulting in Swanstar dismissing everyone but Ebonys mother. Who was spoken to in private and was resulted in being shunned in the clan, thankfully not banished.

Returning to their den, Ebony would follow her mother, apologising profusely saying she will train harder to be picked next year, resulting in her mother snapping at her and swiping at Ebony's face, resulting in the scar she soon keeps. This moment is when Ebony feels fully isolated from her family and her family being full broken. Thought still her "father" would be by her side, even at the expense of fighting with Ebonys mother and her mother blaming Ebony for the raift between her and her mate.


Ebony grows to become reserved and withdrawn from the rest of the clan. Going on hunts alone to catch her own food and sometimes eating it outside the confindes of the clans safety. She rarely would stay in the clan and would sit in the tree tops watching the clan go on without noticing she was away. Ebony still never knew what her mother had done all those moons back, she still doesn't understand why her mother had resented her, she still doesn't know why.

Until one night, while sitting in a treetop, she noticed 2 cats walking towards a secluded area of the clan. rushing down the tree she made her way quietly to them, noticing its her mother and "father".

Quietly hiding in the shrubs she listens in to their conversation. Her mother looking broken, her "father" confused and worried for his mate. And in a moment, Ebony's mother reveals Ebony's true history. Her "father" after so many moons in loving Ebony, finding out that she is not his, sits in shock. As does Ebony

  • Fighting/Training
  • Her "father"
  • Hugs
  • Her mum
  • Her clan
  • Solitude
  • Hunting
  • Cloud watching
  • Exploring
  • Having no family
  • Becoming alone
  • Being forgotten
  • A slim build, making her fast and nimble. But not to skinny as her build became more noticably like biological father.
  • Ebony does get a rune given to her, but not by her elders. More from her own wrong doing.
  • Ebony can be very good at manipulating.
  • She is very good at reading other cats and learning their patterns to use in her own favour.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Temporibus amet, aut quos.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex est repellat esse laudantium odit sint a similique blanditiis, enim dolorum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Reprehenderit soluta numquam mollitia et at fuga nemo culpa molestiae nihil sit porro exercitationem non esse nostrum deserunt, cumque qui eligendi aspernatur.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex est repellat esse laudantium odit sint a similique blanditiis, enim dolorum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem maiores ducimus voluptas beatae asperiores accusantium facilis, recusandae officia consequuntur autem sunt molestiae assumenda cum nobis quisquam temporibus labore hic. Debitis!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Temporibus amet, aut quos.