
Name: Yumi

Nicknames: Raspberry

Status: Alive 

Gender: Female, she/her pronouns

Birthday: July 16th

Species: Cyborg Space Dinosaur

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 90m/295ft 

Weight: 47,000 metric tons 

Personality: kind, caring, bubbly, friendly, curious, clever 

Other information:

-Yumi is a female Space Dinosaur who used to work for an alien faction after she got cyberfied. She ended up getting caught by said aliens and forcefully turned into a cyborg, so that they could use her to conquer planets and kill other Kaiju

-due to the fact that Yumi is a kind a peaceful individual who only ever becomes violent when hunting or defending herself, she refused to obey the order that she was given by the aliens controlling her, resulting in them neglecting and hurting her

-she hated working for aliens and wanted to break free. Eventually she found out about Earth, a planet on which Kaiju live peacefully thanks to Godzilla, so she came up with a plant to escape and find Earth, which ended up working in her favor.

-Yumi ended up living peacefully on Earth along with other monsters. They were a bit weary of her at first, since she was a Space Dinosaur (who are known for being naturally violent and aggressive), but realized that she was a lot more different so they let her be

-she knows Gigan, given how he's also a Space Dinosaur who lives on Earth. Yumi is rather intimidated by him, given his family's status among other Space Dinosaurs and since Gigan is known for being one of the more aggressive individuals out there, whereas Gigan doesn't really mind Yumi and just thinks she's alright 

-exists within the main Godzilla AU