Black Opal



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Uncomfortable (they/them)



Physical Description

Triangular. Dark in colouration but with flecks of colours shimmering on their skin; a dark, shuddering rainbow (due to Jewel's powers). Large in size but relatively short for a fusion, their gems are on their left collarbone and the inner wrist of their left arm (it appears embedded in the sleeve). They kinda look like an androgynous emo nerd.


Quiet, introverted,and constantly uncomfortable, they try to blend in with their surroundings as best they can and disappear from view. This, however, is not any indication of shyness; they have tremendous power, and can (and will) crush you without mercy. Their anger especially is something to be feared. Mostly, though? They're chill. They don't want to have anything to do with you, or anyone, or anything. They'd rather disappear, or at least unfuse. They don't like being them.


Has Jewel's power to change colour and appearance. In it's latent state, it causes them to shimmer with colour (as they actively try to find a way to e comfortable), sometimes managing to reflect light in a way where they disappear. If channeled right, they can become temporarily invisible. (They also still have Sulfur's power to cut).


Sharp throwing disks


Jewel and Sulfur's fusion. Literal triangle.

While Jewel and Sulfur get along extremely well independently, they become extremely uncomfortable fusing. Black Opal is extremely dysphoric and uncomfortable at most times, and they vast majority of their casual existence is spent actively attempting to regulate comfort. 

In non-combat (or otherwise unfocused) situations, Black Opal attempts to hide, blend in, and otherwise not exist. This manifests largely through Jewel's power, which changes slightly within Black Opal to include shifting, shimmering colours that occasionally reflect light in a way to become invisible. However, they can also be rather snarky when they feel like talking, although their humor is largely bitter and mocking or self deprecating. A large part of their casual personality can be summarized with the phrase "fuck off". 

In combat (or any situations that demand their focus) they are incredible effective, with both mental calm and tremendous power. If they are angry for any reason, they are to be feared; their wrath burns hot and violently.

With their strengths and faults, Black Opal was used often during the war but rarely since. While very effective, it's simply too uncomfortable to exist in that form without good reason.

Between Heliotrope, Jewel, and Sulfur, Black Opal is the most unstable fusion (other than Sedona Vortex).