Natalie Collins (Nat (Jujutsu Kaisen))



2 years, 2 months ago


Name: Nat, a nickname, official name unknown

Hair: Outside blonde with pink tips, inner hair natural black hair. Eyebrows black to match natural hair

Scars: One goes through right eyebrow, and scar on palm of left hand

Personality: Kind and quiet natured but usually paranoid and easily stressed and panicked due to having severe bad luck and getting involved with troublesome people as well as having to deal with a nightmare curse that resides in her body. The type who can't catch a break and just wants a peaceful life.  

Relationship status: With Suzuna pervert (She finds him scary, repulsive, and thinks of him as a stalker) later has to like him right?...

Suzuna pops out randomly to grab Nat's butt, harass her. He just wants to spend his one minute with her <3 and she wants no part of it. Doesn't like to be around Yuji too much in fear Suzuna appears. So she will run away sobbing as she screams for Yuji to stay away from her.

Species: Currently known to be human