


2 years, 11 months ago


⚠️WARNING: this bio discusses sensitive themes such as murder and what i can only describe as very fucked up and evil taxidermy. proceed with caution⚠️


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ares || dog || he/it || nonbinary || queer

horrible, evil, fucked up person. he is a murderer, not for any particular motive of revenge or hatred for society, but because he’s got quite a collection. of stuffed bodies. he chooses victims entirely based on looks and kills them in the most effective way possible so he doesn’t “ruin” the bodies. he then performs taxidermy and keeps the corpses as trophies in a hidden basement under his house. there is a hidden underground tunnel that leads in and out of his rockhollow town home, specifically in this hidden corpses basement, with the exit being outside of town so nobody in rockhollow sees him transporting corpses. he also doesn’t kill anyone in rockhollow town, so nobody garners any suspicion towards him. he acts totally normal and friendly in town and nobody knows of the basement where he does his taxidermy and keeps his trophies, nor his tunnel he uses to avoid being caught out for his crimes.