Vendel Avaro



2 years, 9 months ago


Vendel was an orphan adopted by a couple that couldn't have their own kids. He was never fully accepted in his comunity.  In his young adulthood he fell in love with a girl from another tribe, but he had to give up on his citizenship in order for them to be together. Once he did, she told him that she didn't want him anymore and left. Having no citizenship, he was booted out of his tribe and banished into cold hills where he encountered a caravan of other outlaws of his kind who were traveling merchants. He joined them and discovered that he loves carpets.

He has a theory that carpets are inhabited by tiny humans called carpetians and he enjoys telling all his customers about this.

Age: 42 | Race: Scorpionfolk | He/him | Lawful good
Partner: Triya Avaro (Wife)

Likes: Carpets, colorful patterns, sponge cake, shrimps, street music
Dislikes: When someone doesn't believe his theory, oranges, rain, slugs, gardening