


2 years, 9 months ago

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Cyph is a wishwing with a pendency for trouble-causing pranks, and in general getting under other’s skin. Not thinking before speaking, they’ve had to escape from a tricky situation more than once. Between causing trouble, Cyph enjoys playing video games-often watching others play. When not around others, Cyph doesn’t do anything at all. Highly extroverted, they don’t know what to do when others aren't around-even if they can’t see them. 

Cyph does grant wishes on occasion, mainly related to accomplishments or goals instead of wishes of physical value. They value ambition and confidence, and as such avoid those that are too introverted, or don't believe in themselves to accomplish anything. 

They’d be the wishwing equivalent of someone who never exercises advertising a sport advertisement.

Poem about Cyph:

Trouble is a middle name,

For this wishing dreaming of fame.

Watching, watching, ever present 

Distrust follows in their presence.

Meant to break, the rules and the game

Playing with their own guide, 

Activities a troublesome train.

Act on instinct, pause not to think

Fast and furious, they believe themselves free.

Yet trapped in their own desires, a fly to the fires,

Hidden behind a mask, desires fester.

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