Kiyoshi Haga



2 years, 10 months ago


Kiyoshi Haga
6' 2"
Blood Type
June 28th
Modeling, Fantasy, Dogs
Rainy Days, Mannequins, Introspection
Ultimate Model
Kiyoshi is considered to be the most eligible bachelor in Japan. He has a long dating history, but maybe you could be the one?..

Kiyoshi has an increible physique - he's the peak of what most people consider conventionally attractive. He has a perfectly symmetrical face, high cheekbones, and clear skin. Otherwise, he's very fit - Kiyoshi exercises regularly, so he has a toned, lean build. He has desaturated blue hair in a variety of styled looks, and beautiful ice blue eyes.

Kiyoshi dresses in an immense variety of styles. As one of the top models in the industry, Kiyoshi tends to dress professionally for business and meetings. He's been photographed in most styles you can think of, though, and all of it is well-fit. In casual circumstance, he wears simple things, usually to try to disguise his immense beauty. It.. doesn't work.


Kiyoshi is a very pleasant person to be around. He makes light conversation best, but delving deeper seems to reveal his personality is more.. flat. He doesn't have a lot of time for hobbies or more generally interests due to working constantly, instead usually picking up cues and interests from the people around him. This makes him easy to get along with in casual conversation, and usually he doesn't have time for much else.

Though it's muted, Kiyoshi's typical confidence in his appearance comes across as insecurity. He's incredibly earnest and seemingly unable to consider lying unless it's about covering up his own worries. He's incredibly passive and dislikes conflict greatly, always preferring to give in rather than be in any trouble. That is - until a significant other is being insulted. At that point, he has a surprising compacity to get aggressive. He's quite protective, enough that it can be a problem when small spats occur between friends.


Early Childhood

  • Kiyoshi's parents enter him into a beauty pageant as a small family bonding activity. As it turns out, everyone agreed that Kiyoshi was a beautiful baby and a great preformer - he won first prize.

  • After entering and winning several consecutive pageants, Kiyoshi is scouted under a modeling agency and begins to work small gigs that quickly bring in a lot of money. His parents encourage his career.

Middle School

  • Kiyoshi withdraws from public school and begins to be homeschooled while he works a majority of the time. There are already rumors about Kiyoshi's sexuality and dating life from a young age.

Prior to Scouting

  • At 18, Kiyoshi has an extensive dating history and is out as gay. His PR team maintains an instagram with candid shots that helps him become a minor celebrity outside of his work.



Canned Suppon Nabe - The cheaper, canned version of what many consider a delicacy. It’s somewhat questionable how good it’s going to be, but face it - this is the closest you’ll ever get to tasting something this expensive.

Virgin Sake - All of the flavor of sake without the illegal parts. You look very adult and elegant drinking it.


Floral Scarf - Did you know florals are in this year? They are just about every year, really, but this spring quarter focuses centrally around bright yellows and magentas. If you’re more of a wallflower, plain pastels work too.

IN Magazine - The queer culture magazine. This edition features a certain model on the cover, linking to an article about the toxic obsession with beauty and youth in gay male spaces. It’s an artistic shoot, but something’s very sad about it..


Girl, It’s Your Fault - A self-help book. If you have issues, it’s definitely you and you should work on that. On the bright side - if it’s your fault, you can actually fix it! So maybe you have a chance.

Warped Compact - A small compact you could use while applying makeup. However, the glass is distorted almost like a fun house mirror..


Kiyoshi has a lot of self-image issues and a bit of a messy home life. From a young age, he's been showered in compliments about his appearance so constantly that he tends to internalize that his only real strength is his beauty and that, in essence, he is literally nothing without it. Kiyoshi's feelings usually manifest particularly in a fear of dolls and anything uncanny valley - they're a reminder of how he struggles to project a real sense of self in the absence of others.

Additionally, Kiyoshi is a heavily co-dependant person. He loves strongly, probably too strongly, believing any person he's with might be 'the one' provided they don't grow tired of what he considers his ony strong point. He picks up interests largely from people he's around and is easily influenced, especially by loved ones. Consequently, he's aggressiely protective over said loved ones, to the point of ignoring their flaws in fear of retribution and disregarding his on opinion to prevent a negative reaction or time spent on his own issues.

Kiyoshi's home life is pretty much non-extant. He has very limited contact with his parents, though their relationship is apparently friendly - they're both just "busy" all the time. Kiyoshi isn't aware he has a bit of a surprise waiting for him at home.