Mindy's Comments

I could do a mixed offer of a trade and USD (Paypal) if you are interested in anyone from here. ^^


i liked fetch! how much usd?


Would you be ok with $20?

Sure, send the money to @fwrachel08 on paypal!

Sent! And I'll send Fetch right over ^^


3 Replies

Anyone here that interests you? I can do multiple depending on who! (Some may be offlim)

Do you have any characters of similar value?

I have them https://toyhou.se/23933660.calisto Their worth was listed originally around 40-50 with their old owner

also them https://toyhou.se/6220642.jett https://toyhou.se/16687135.budsie

ill totally consider calisto! he is super cute!

Alr! Let me know if you decide to :)


3 Replies