Sergio Draki



2 years, 10 months ago


Sergio Jesse Draki, "Fer de lance"

Born: 1899

Age: 59 (1958)

Height: 6'2

Orientation: Bisexual (Closeted) 

Star Sign: ??????

The family doctor for the Drakis, Sergio is Lenny's oldest brother, and therefor Draki boys' uncle.

Very stoic, calm, and polite, Sergio takes care of Luke and the Golden Colubirds for free, as well as any of his family members who've managed to get themselves hurt (Garret).
He specializes in pediatrics, however is also a skilled surgeon, field medic, and works in a menagerie of other fields he's had to learn to keep his mess of a family in one piece.

His snake name however comes from one of the deadliest snakes on the planet. The reason being is his specialty wasn't always medicine.
Originally it was torture with venoms and poisons. He was vicious as a teenager and worked on bodies to help study for med. school.
Wrote his doctoral thesis on how to use venoms for the treatment of specific diseases and the like.
His research wasn't as ethical as he wrote it out to be.

He is a widow, but has no children. He was married to a woman named Dawn
She died when Sergio was twenty nine (1928) of both Malaria and Polio at the same time, she’d gone on a relief mission to South America, came back sick as a dog.
She asked Sergio to kill her. Put her out of her misery. He followed her directions to the T.
He still leaves flowers on her grave every month. Her favorites were dandelions and marigolds.