katrina k



2 years, 10 months ago



Name katrina k
Nickname kat
Birthday dec 18
Pronouns she/her
Height 5’8
Race white


katrina is a medium living in the town of mayview. her connections to the other spectrals and mediums in town are friendly, with little to no professionalism. she spends most of her time abusing her powers for various kinds of rule-breaking, getting the smart kids to do her homework-- of course, if she tried, she could probably get that to happen without them-- and affectionately bullying the activity club.

her recklessness with her powers may be catching up with her soon, as tensions ramp up in mayview. even a long graduated student of the activity club is bound to encounter a powerful adversary or two. and vampires are immune to her powers.


car keys

a girl's gotta get around, even in as small a town as mayview. also, it makes for sweet cool points. the puffball does a good job of hiding the jabby.

lip gloss

tubes of essence lipgloss, in varying finishes for any occasion. pretty good dupes for the more expensive stuff, and with a lot more product to boot. no patchiness from the opaque gloss either!

mechanical pencil

katrina is always losing pencils. she has one. its this one. she got it from an imports store in 2010 and shes pretty sure she would flunk without it. to be fair, it is a really good pencil.



idk what to tell you man she really doesnt interact with anyone but the canon characters