Nathan McDreamy



7 years, 1 month ago


Nathan represents Ju in Mustang Bros

  • Doing his best
  • Raves
  • In a relationship with music
  • Loves smol animals or anything cute really
  • Has a pet dog
  • Cries a lot
  • Kandies
  • Loyalty 
  • Purple!
  • He's human but had demonic and angelic powers 
Nathan is a young teenager about 14 to 16 throughout the story. He lives on Earph and currently going to school; he lives there on the second floor of his school's dorm room. Nathan suffers from depressions and for the first half of the year he didn't know that so he went untreated and tried his best to hide it. Nathan represents the element of Loyalty and takes the form of a bat-winged Pegasus. His Soul Beast is a bat. 

LATER IN DEMA (vague broken ideas but we working it out) 

Nathan obtained all Elements of Harmony and can world hop. He's older now. Nathan had bee living in Dema as a Bishop thanks to his magical affinities. Unlike the other Bishops, Nathan would show kindness to the citizens much to their fear it was some kind of trap. After awhile he grew displeased with the treatment of the citizens and decided to help the rebels.  They weren't too keen on working with a Bishop so Nathan used an oni mask to conceal his identity while also practicing his warp abilities, opening short distant portals so he may move more freely in and out of the city. 

At some point he leaves his world altogether after not being able to take the pressures placed upon him by the Bishops. Basically the Bishops wanted him to become a God to the people so they may remain in control, just like the Blue Dragon. Still wanting to help the rebels Nathan decided the best way to help everyone was for him to leave.

Nathan began world hopping to avoid his problems basically. During on one of his outings he paid a visit to Lancer whom he informed the sphinx about a particular conductor lost to time. 

Nathan obtained his angelic and demonic abilities because he started to eat the Arceus Plates because he and Volo went hunting through ruins for some soap.