🦦 ― otterbay



2 years, 9 months ago




silly || chill || affectionate




26 moons

warrior + researcher


Otter is a young, relaxed, soft and very affectionate warrior who spends most of her days chilling by the shore or floating through the waves. She's often described as a very fun and positive cat to be around with, and loves to collect shells and making jewlery to gift to friends. Otter can be often be spotted enjoing the sunset while humming peaceful melodies.

They have a very thick, soft and delicate fur which she often takes care of with sand baths. Otter's eyes are a grey-ish hue but often can be seen with a blue/turquoise hue when the ocean is reflecting on them. She adores decorating and anything that shines; so Otter usually puts the shells she collects around their fluffy neck as ornaments to accesorize themselves.

I think dreamy things as I'm waving goodbye.

  • Tuna
  • Collect shells
  • Sunsets
  • Cloudy days
  • Winter
  • Loud noises

Otter is a sweet, kind and optimistic individual who loves their friends and will do anything to help them. They're very affectionate too, and are not afraid to express their love and appreciation any way they can; often with gifts in form of shells and pawmade jewlery or cuddling up while enjoying the sun of the waves crash on the shore. Despite their positive outlook, they struggle a lot with self-worth and is very self-consious of her own skills and place in the clan; but she normally tries to push it back when she's around others just not to cause any incoveniences. Otter can be caught constantly sun bathing or just floating in the ocean, and she will always encourage others to join her. They're also a natural jokester and love to make others happy and laugh; sometimes they'd go as far as getting into trouble if that means they can make their loved one smile.


As a kit and young apprentice, she was very timid and quiet. She was often caught getting distracted from her apprentice duties and indulging in more artsy project, which made Otter get into trouble more than once and her peers to think she was an oddball. Otter would often struggle sleeping, claiming she kept getting nightmares.. perhaps, visions? Of upcoming events to the clan, but nobody ever took them seriously so the young cat just learned how to brush them off and deal with it.


While she exceeds as a warrior, Otter prefers to spend their days researching marine life, shells and anything ocean related; while her mentor thinks there's so much wasted potential, Otter just enjoys the peaceful side of life. They will often craft useful tools that help assist the clan, such as tiny bags, courtains for the dens, etc. Currently she's trying to find resources to make the area they live in cleaner and safer along with their friend Orcadive. Otter nightmares are still very recurrent and she's getting more and more anxious regarding the potential of them being visions, and the clan being in danger - mayhaps pondering if she should speak to it to the new medicine cat, Neptunesea.

  • Otter is often caught daydreaming when swimming or chilling by the shore.
  • She's self-concious about her laugh, so she tries to mute it with her paws.
  • Otter blushes incredibly easily, which others find funny or cute
  • Her shell obsession comes from her mentor.




Her best friend since day one; have been together through thick and thin! Orca is pretty quiet, but Otter does all the talking for him. They appreciate and cherish each other.



While she loves her mentor, they tend to butt heads quite a lot due to different views about how to take on life. Despite that, they respect each other deeply.



Otter took Cloudberry under her wing and treats her as a little sister. They shower the little kit in gifts and love constantly, and Cloudberry loves listening to her stories.
