Calvin Register (Old)



3 years, 2 months ago


Calvin Register






November 11

Black American

Learning to cope




A polite man with a tragic backstory, Calvin is a quiet person, often keeping to sidelines to observe when he can. After spending several years of his life being very solitary, he's slowly beginning to unwind and become more interactive, but he still spends a lot of time being quiet. Though he's quite nice when approached, it often seems like he is holding others at a careful distance.

His reactions to negative things, even rather dire ones, seem very subdued. He takes bad situations in stride, virtually never panicking, acting with sometimes-eerie level-headedness. It's a good trait, for a detective, and he's good to have on your side in a bad situation, but his unemotionalness may be frustrating to some.

Interpersonally, he's very pleasant and polite, open to helping others. He's highly tolerant of people's quirks; he's unphased by people acting strangely around him, and allows them room to be themselves. He's a good voice of reason when time calls for it, and quick to prevent things from getting out of hand, but he's hardly someone who hates fun.

He seems to process things a little slowly, listening patiently and taking a second to think before responding to things. He constantly carries a notebook with him, and takes notes on his various observations and thought processes, both as a way to untangle the thoughts, a way to notekeep, and a way to not lose memories between the cracks. He finds comfort in journalling, and hates to forget things that might be important to him later.

With the passage of time and various (sometimes traumatic) events occuring, he becomes more personable, less secretive, and more likely to reach out to others and welcome them into his heart. He eventually allows people to become close to him, and lets others know him more personally. There are, like, 4 different Calvin iterations depending on time and place... I'm trying to cover all my bases here, it's hard!







Approval Rating


  • Nonfiction
  • Friends :)
  • Coffee with cream


  • Losing notebooks
  • True crime influencers
  • Cops

Calvin stands at 5'10", with dark skin and pretty brown eyes. He has wavy black hair that falls to around his shoulders, though he lets it grow out longer over the course of time. When it's longer, he sometimes ties it into a ponytail.

He likes to wear nice but comfortable casual clothing, favoring jewel tones. He prefers to wear long-sleeves when it's an option.




Living in Ohio with his mother, father and brother, his family was always close-knit. However, at age 12, his mother went missing, seeming to disappear without a trace, his brother following soon after. The case went cold rather quickly, and nothing ever became of it. The police failing him as usual, he became distant from everyone around him, shuttering himself alone into his focus of solving the case, determined to take things into his own hands.

For a time, he had little communication with others, having no friends, all-consumed by his search. He had to re-learn over time how to be more normal, learning to force downtime and actually take care of himself. He honed his skills, though, and he did find that he was hardly alone; there were plenty of people with dead cases, desperate for closure, unable to do anything about it.

Fresh off the heels of obsessive studying and research, he took the detective work into his own hands. And he was good at it-- numerous cases, long declared dead, being solved in time by his steady hand. Though he tried to stay discreet, he became more and more reknowned over time, a mysterious dark horse succeeding where established policing could not. Gaining repute, he pressed onward, though he still didn't succeed at solving his own cold case. He simply became absorbed in this professional work alongside his own.


After the events of NDR he moves back in with his father for a time. Going through a bizarre and traumatizing set of circumstances forces him to reassess his worldview, and he spends a fair amount of time at home just... processing and reflecting. He also becomes much closer with his father. He comes back to Snarvard after several months at home, more emotionally balanced and open to others.

What happens after that isn't really in my hands, though various things have been talked about here and there... uh, I'll get back to it someday... maybe...

P.S. sorry i literally cant think of an explanation for the mona lisa thing i wrote myself into a corner i have fucking no idea why i did thislol. France wants him carnally


I haven't gotten here yet! Aahh!! Don't look!!!

Fun Facts

  • In NDR, his left eye is a sylph, Hobbes, and talks to him in his brain. That's an insane person thing to say, but it basically means that he's multiple, though Hobbes cannot front. (It also gives him a safeguard against memory tampering.) His sylph is a more tongue-in-cheek than he is, playfully sarcastic, commentating internally on the things happening around him with less seriousness than they should be taken with. I feel like this is a big thing to put in a 'fun facts' section, but I didn't know where to put it in the profile...
  • His voice is pleasant, low-pitch and soft, not too quiet. He rarely raises his voice. He's not commanding, but you feel like you should be listening to him.
  • His cat is named Nutmeg, and is a delightful little brown tabby blind in his left eye. He is indoors-only and loves Calvin, and is extremely friendly to strangers. He is snuggly and receptive to being put in things like sweaters and collars. (Calvin himself doesn't feel the urge to dress his cat up, but people in his periphery might.)
  • He knows basic ASL and the basics of a variety of spoken languages as well, though he's only really fluent in English.
  • He has seen Vita's doll videos before in his various explorations of YouTube. I don't think he would ever bring it up to her, though. He probably looked into other students variously as well prior to coming to school, but Vita is the one I canonized already as him stumbling upon on his own.
  • His favorite color is forest green, but I associate him with purple, so I draw him with purple all the time. He likes purple too though!
  • His favorite pokemon is Furret. He's not a habitual video game player, but he did play when he was a kid.
  • He can cook. He's fine at it. He'll get better over time.



I haven't done any character links for NDR characters because I feel like it would be weird to write a link for someone else's character without asking and without that character even having a link to go to. Maybe someday ^_^;;


<:) maybe another time.