


3 years, 2 months ago


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N ai n


[ Employee Overview ]

NAME: Name, Name
ID NO.:  ######
DOB: xxxx-xx-xx (age xx)
HEIGHT:  xx cm 
ROLE:  xxxxxx 
STATUS: Active
RESIDENCE: Chiron Building, Detroit, MI, USA
Never asked for this 😔


  • Infolink Telecommunications Package
  • CASIE Social Enhancer
  • MHD-995 Hacking Device
  • Stealth Enhancer
  • Wayfinder Radar System
  • XB74 Eye-Know Retinal Prosthesis
  • Eye-See Vision Enhancement Package
  • Eye Shields
  • Sentinel RX Health System
  • Sarif Series 8 Energy Converter
  • Implanted Rebreather
  • Typhoon Explosive System
  • Icarus Landing System
  • Quicksilver Reflex Booster
  • Cybernetic Arm Prothesis
  • Aim Stabilizer
  • GlassShield Cloaking System
  • Rhino Dermal Armor
  • Hermes 2027 Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis
  • ???

[ Internal Communications ]

RE: Minor Security Concern
Athene Margoulis
Adam Jensen

Good news and bad, Adam. Looks like the neuropozyne thefts may have stopped, but tonight Heather Stichner came to me in tears. Apparently because Jerry Maher accused her of being the "office bandit" in front of everybody. She's demanding that her "good name" be vindicated.

I know you've got far more important things to worry about right now, but could you possibly get one of your security guys to take a peek into Heather's office and search it? She says it's the only way to prove she's not stealing anything from anyone. Her office is #35, access code 3167. Thanks.

Athene Margoulis
Executive Assistant
Sarif Industries

Office Break-ins?
Lyle Rogers
Adam Jensen


Is it true someone's been breaking into offices and stealing stuff? Because if it is, my job just got harder. You know Picus is trying to dig up as much dirt on us as they can, don't you? And if one disgruntled employee says the WRONG thing in the WRONG bar... I'm having a hard enough time keeping a lid on bad press as it is. Can't you get to the bottom of this? L

Lyle Rogers
Director, Public Relations and Media
Sarif Industries

P.S. I was kind of attached to "2121" but just to be safe, I think you and Pritchard should thing about updating door codes around here. Again.

Office thefts
Jerry Maher
Adam Jensen


As if riots weren't bad enough. I've been hearing all sort of rumors about stuff being stolen out of people's offices! What happened to the "family vibe" Mr. Sarif keeps saying exists in here?!

You ask me, Heather Stichner is behind it. She came up behind me as I was punching in my door code and I swear she WATCHED me do it. And '0123' is NOT that hard to remember. Said she was there to see if I wanted to "talk about these riots." Right.

You gotta check into her, man.

Jerry Maher
Sarif Industries
Office 20

Office Security
Cal Lopez
Adam Jensen

Yo, Jensen,

Welcome back, man! Didn't think we'd see you up and around for a while yet!

Listen, could I ask you a favor? I'm not actually IN the offices these days -- Sarif's had me working over at the temp labs for about a week now. But I just called in for messages, and Cindy told me a few people's offices have been broken into. Man, that ain't right!

If you get a chance, could you take a peek into Room 30? I just want to make sure no one's been in there, messing with mu stuff. Thanks bud. Much appreciated.

Access code is 0250, by the way. Let me know how things look.


FWD: Minor security concern
Athene Margoulis
Adam Jensen

Adam, I really don't mean to bug you on this, but I think I've got another suspect in those neuropozyne thefts. I caught Denzel Mitchell going over my stack of Versalife purchase orders. He said he needed to verify the legal address for a contract David wanted him to look over -- but he'd have that address on a dozen correspondences already!

For a lawyer, you think he'd be able to come up with a better defense.

His door code is 1364, by the way.


Previously, Athene Margoulis ([email protected]) wrote:

>Welcome back, Adam.
>First of all, it really is good to have you
>back. Things just haven't been the same
>since the attack and we're all hoping your
>return will restore some sense of equilibrium.
>That, and David really missed you.
>I know your top priority right now is going to
>be with him, but if you have a moment, there's
>something I'd like you to check into, as well.
>Someone's been stealing Neuropozyne.
>I first noticed it about three months ago -- we
>seemed to be reordering cases from Versalife
>far more often than usual. I had Frank run through
>the lab security tapes, and that's when he
>realized someone had tampered with them.
>Usually on nights when Will Rosellini was in
>charge. Frank wanted to search Will's office
>immediately, and even gave me the access
>code -- 3716 -- but I told him to wait. Last
>thing we need is to start falsely accusing people.
>When you get a chance, can you speak to Will?
>He's working in office 23.
>Athene Margoulis
>Executive Assistant
>Sarif Industries

Words aren't enough
Greg Thorpe
Adam Jensen

Mr. Jensen,

I meant what I said at the Sarif Manufacturing Plant today. You saved my life. In more ways than one. When those gunmen took my Josie away, I thought...

Well. You probably know what I thought. Please, let me repay you. Josie and I are back home safe in our apartment -- we live in a 3rd floor condo on Brooklyn Court. You can find the entrance behind the 2nd Street Gas Station. Stop by next time you're in the city and I'll have something for you.


Greg Thorpe
New Login
Frank Pritchard
Adam Jensen


Didn't know if you were coming back, so I deleted your entire network account. I only received the order to set up a new one a few minutes ago, so if you don't like the password I picked, live with it.

LOGIN: ajensen

PASSWORD: mandrake


P.S. The password should also work on your home network.



Chief of Cyber Security


MALIK, Faridah

Chief Pilot

"Hey there, spyboy."

SARIF, David




Executive Assistant

"Hello, Adam."