August Montgomery



2 years, 10 months ago


- AUGUST MONTGOMERY (19) is her clumsy albeit well-intentioned apprentice! He met Lenore after one of her potions gave him enough energy to study for and ace a final exam, and he was interested in learning how to do it for himself. Recently graduated, he spends most of his free time working under her and learning what he can, although lacks an affinity to magic, often tempting him to just make a deal with a demon and learn it that way (even if Lenore advises against it).

- August is also technically the first to be taken in by Lenore. He escaped his parents who always pressured him to be the best, and now enjoys a much more casual life working with Lenore, even if he is a bit frustrated at the way he can’t seem to excel at magic. He has no familiar or anything yet, although he’d like some type of bird

- Coleslaw

 it's not pathetic to ask  for help. sometimes you just have to reach out to someone else, and  that's completely okay. doesn't make you any less stronger.