
2 years, 11 months ago


Shiro grew up in a group offset of Mythic Forest. The group focused on tradition and keeping peace. He gew up with a controlling mother and father. He focused on his hunting skills, and loved the river to catch fish in. When he was still very young, he fell into the strong current of the river. Luckily, he survived only with a huge scar on the left side of his body. He was washed down into Mythic Forest, where the two queens of the Emerald Pack found him and adopted him. He grew up peacefully there, becoming very interested in creating things. He learned it all from his mothers. Shiro has the Extra Power, plus too much of the Emerald Power. Therefore, if he tries to use his power too much, he’ll get cursed and be out of control, aka, basically evil. Eventually, as the story goes on, his moms both die from old age. Shiro becomes the new leader of the Emerald Pack. Far later, long story short Esme is revived, and she helps him keep control of his power. He learns to create things and helps others out the best he can. He also adopts Narci with his mate, Pharaoh.