Candiru's Comments

May I please adopt this character? I really love their design!

of course you can! ill send them over right away :D

Thank you so much! <3

What would you be looking at for them?   

Oh! Anything works! Money is yaknow, always preferred (I'd say min £20/$27), but oc trades, art offers, I don't mind! 

Oooo! Understandable!

I'm only able to offer art and/or characters atm, so here's all I have to offer up!

Art examples:

Character offers: Anything here

Ahh, I'm very sorry, I didn't see anything that stood out to me/that I could use!
Thank you ever so much for the interest, though!


Np! ^^
Good luck on gett'em a home! They have a really nice design!