

2 years, 10 months ago


sea (asteroid)


nonbinary (any prns)




  • sea, while not being the protagonist, is the groundwork for the story she is in.
  • they are extremely tied up with the past and his own regrets, often making them seem more hostile than she actually is.
  • at his very core, she is very distasteful towards the idol system and while they can't make a change, wishes he could fix things.
  • (there's a lot to him, it will just be covered more in the lore section.)

Design Notes

  • !! the two designs pictured in most art are both her. the pink one is him at 17/18 (labeled asteroid) and the blue is them in current (labeled sea). please draw the blue version if you intend to make current fanart.
  • (sea) the streaks in his hair are random, but their hair is mostly always in twintails. their face also is often flat, or in a potentially unwelcome expression.
  • (asteroid) while her design is pretty straight forward, asteroid themself is very jumpy and expressive, which is seen in the contrast of eyes compared to their future self.
  • outfit board: wip


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