
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Birthday: July 18th
Height: 6' 2"
Hair color: White
Eye color: Heterochromnia (Left is Blue, right is Gold)
Sexual Preference: Straight
Job: Gladiatrix
Loves: Kind-Hearted People, Warm Campfires, Owls
Hates: Gamblers, Drinkers, Perverted Men in Power

   Once a Queen of a small desert kingdom, Ramona was a caring woman, focus on her people and the balance between the need of them all and her personal desires. Gifted with a sword and a scroll, she was one many looked up to. Until one fateful night, the king went mad with fear that everyone around him would betray him. He killed their heirs and guards, even trying to kill Ramona. Only for him to be overpowered and slayed by the woman he married. But with him dead, she was blamed for the slaughtered. To make up for the damages, she was sold into the Gladiator Arenas.

   Ramona had lost her royal crown, her family, and her supporters and people all gone. Now she was left to die in a bloody arena with cruel and despicable people in the stands betting on lives. She tries to keep her kindness, her motherly affection towards the kind-hearted and the downtrodden people, despite the horrors that she's experienced and ones yet to come. Her goal is to win enough battles, gain wealth and either gain back her kingdom or start a new one. But for now, her kind heart is her greatest shield against the atrocities and bloodshed the road shall be pathed with.