Rin (Alternative)



2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


This different oc/person and has nothing to do with the sona version of Rin, so please don't connect the bad things that happened to him in my story with my irl's life.



Name: Rin R' Aisy
Nickname: Rin, orange
Age: 23
Born: June 15
Species: shape shifter (Jolteon)
Gender: unlabeled (He/They*/Any)
Sexuality: Pansexual/Damisexual
Height: 165 cm???
Status: alive

Design Note:

- sharp hair
- eye bags (optional)
- canines or sharp teeth when he feels stress or threat/strong emotions
- sometimes appears with Jolteon features (ears and tail most often)
- can turn into a jolteon

About & personality

Rin is quite a complicated individual, he is very contrasting, being very cheerful, full of humor and very kind, but suddenly he will become very negative... He also shows very serious trust issues, even though he looks friendly with you, he is still shallow, but he is always honest no matter what. What happens is that he doesn't like lying, he's not good at it after all.

A brief History

Life is not easy but little Rin tries to change it by becoming a trainer with his Zorua Zero and meeting his 'rival' Damian. To be honest, Rin doesn't consider him a rival but just a friend...
They went through a lot and over time they became an inseparable duo and people called him orange instead of his name for silly reasons where he always wore orange clothes and was obsessed with that color and that also applies to Damian who was called 'purple', time passed quickly Without realizing it, Rin is now the new champion in this region, but her mental health is drained and she finally retires young after 3 years and gives it to Damian.

He spends his time as an artist on the internet and he still gets lots of letters and emails from his fans who always ask if he will come back? He wasn't sure but he would come to a tournament sometime but there was an email that caught his attention where someone offered him a job at his company helping develop Pokemon security and staff members, at first Rin wasn't sure but this was an attractive offer and it was also true that usually Pokemon were security members are usually weak... So he went along.
It's been 2 years since he joined and a lot of things happened and Rin can't decipher everything, some good, some bad, very good & very very bad... No comments, he was almost killed by a test subject because of his resemblance to someone who 'annoyed' him and he was clearly a bit crazy. But at least he gets a big salary and friends, for his relationship with Damian they are now uh they are together??? Wow Rin can't believe he's married now
