


2 years, 10 months ago



Name Zelus
Age Centuries old
Gender Male
Height 6'9"
Role Temptation Incarnate
Demeanour Calculated
Sexuality Pansexual

❝I cover myself with you again and again...❞

Zelus is one of the leaders in a demon coven called La Tentari Opto, otherwise known as the Coven of Temptation. He represents the temptation of possessions. Riches? Alcohol? Other people? If it's attainable, then Zelus has no trouble in luring people to fall into a pit of their own greedy depravity. He closely relates to Xiangliu given their similar temptations, but their practices are vastly different. His cold, analytical personality leads him to see humans as subjects to study. In fact, his favourite hobby is taking these humans souls and morphing them into a variety of possessions he collects. He loves making perfumes with souls he wishes to immortalize, but he can make anything from elixirs to artifacts with them.

In his human persona, Zelus runs a high-end perfume shop called Eau de Désir. He's greatly intrigued with the artform of perfume making, and he is capable of making scents that don't use human souls as ingredients. His clientele are usually on the richer side, so in order to see a variety of human personalities, he'll frequent public places like bars and clubs. This is all so he can find someone that interests him. Humans are beautiful creatures, in his eyes, but their morality is their greatest weakness. This is why he needs to immortalize them with his work. Only the best of the best get the privilege of being turned into one of his creations. And no, these humans never have a choice in the matter.


  • Perfumes
  • Observing people
  • Organization
  • Classical music
  • Unique souls


  • Getting dirty
  • Taking breaks
  • Messy rooms
  • Rain
  • Being rejected


This box will scroll when filled with content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec semper purus, consectetur mattis urna. Nulla arcu odio, dictum quis tristique quis, viverra elementum turpis. Sed sit amet scelerisque orci. Donec ornare elementum pharetra. Praesent pharetra augue ac finibus laoreet. Curabitur tempor vel lectus sit amet porttitor. Vivamus ultricies dapibus leo, vel iaculis ipsum tempus porttitor. Ut pharetra urna non risus ornare ornare at quis mauris. Vivamus nec nisl arcu. Phasellus nec laoreet nibh. Ut pharetra urna non risus ornare ornare at quis mauris. Vivamus nec nisl arcu. Phasellus nec laoreet nibh.


Vivamus vitae ligula ligula. Aenean non sem eget dui vehicula laoreet. Vestibulum magna est, consequat in fermentum eu, sodales sit amet sem. In rutrum purus sed ipsum consectetur, sit amet ornare urna rutrum. Vesti id dapibus nibh, sit amet pharetra felis. Proin eget porta metus. Vestibulum eu ex libero. Proin eu quam sed mauris faucibus viverra sed non libero. Integer placerat tellus ut ligula cursus convallis. Proin pretium a nisi ut dignissim. Duis ut iaculis urna, ut condimentum est.

Proin congue eros dolor, eget commodo augue gravida ac. In feugiat pulvinar dolor, eu cursus nisi commodo et. Pellentesque consequat porttitor ullamcorper. Mauris venenatis hendrerit sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit. Sed quis.


Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit. Sed quis molestie turpis. Sed quis molestie turpis. In feugiat pulvinar dolor.

Proin congue eros dolor, eget commodo augue gravida ac. In feugiat pulvinar dolor, eu cursus nisi commodo et. Pellentesque consequat porttitor ullamcorper. Mauris venenatis hendrerit sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam non bibendum dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis erat ac justo egestas, at lacinia velit eleifend. Aenean convallis dolor vitae nisi gravida, at condimentum nibh porta. Pellentesque efficitur purus a sapien imperdiet, nec feugiat turpis sollicitudin. Sed in rutrum dolor. Phasellus augue sem, varius vel odio id, semper condimentum elit.



Scentist  ∙  VIXX

Möbius  ∙  Hiiragi Kirai

Love Ka?  ∙  Ado

Bathtub and Neon Tetra  ∙  Reisai

Obsession  ∙  EXO


  • Can emit a paralyzing poison through his saliva
  • Has a coven tattoo on his stomach, as well as a snake tattoo on his chest
  • He is the third oldest leader in his coven
  • He works completely alone and does not care about the lesser demons
  • He's quite the charmer, and often falls for people easily. Him killing those he shows affection toward is a high honour in his eyes. He's perserving their beauty, in his own twisted way
  • Has a strange hierarchy system for the souls he collects; the ones he can't live without get made into perfumes, the ones he likes but doesn't need around him 24/7 get made into artifacts, and the ones he admires but could live without get made into drinkable elixirs
  • The elixirs he makes is like alcohol for demons; often he will gift these drinks to his fellow coven leaders
  • His living quarters is extremely organized with shelves filled with the various objects he's made with human souls; the largest collection is his perfumes


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