-ˋˏ🦴 misc



2 years, 11 months ago


| https://toyhou.se/8414653.turmi-

"perhaps were all connected in some way?"




cis afab



god of the underworld


dream demon

"eh?? ya really care enough to know more?"

  • she really likes sushi but cant get it in hell so she probably gets doordash or some shit to have it
  • believe it or not, turmi's actually a HUGE fan or classic literature and often times reads them with dex or the keepers
  • turmi probably is a literal god at checkers but little does anyone know she actually just moves pieces with no strategy whatsoever
  • shes madly in love with her red plastic bat that can surprisingly one-hit just about anyone

  • i imagine sometimes she leaves ominously threatening messages for dex but little does she know he finds them hilarious
  • shes a little [a lot] nd so bright colors and flashes often times give her major migraines
  • turmi's surprisingly a neat-freak, shell clean weekly and often times describes herself as an "organized mess maximalist"
  • she cant be bothered to be trusted to remember anything, hence why she hates people asking her to "remind them"

  • shes highkey a crack character but im too devoted to drop her now
  • she has this like . littol red panda hes great; his name is miko. hes literally a red panda thats it
  • she has little to no sympathy for others nor herself. no thoughts behind her eyes
  • despite being kinda stupid looking, her reaction time is insanely quick- across the room at the drop of a fucking dime










  • chaotic older sibling vibes
  • drives like shes in gta
  • insanely quick thinker
  • overly [chaotic] positive most days

  • no thought behind those eyes
  • insane in the membrane [insane in the brain]
  • pinpoint accuracy And Knows How To Use It
  • kinda accidentally on purpose is a literal demon whoops

turmi is chaotic. she is so chaotic i cannot even match the level in words. so chaotic i fear what i have created and wonder if this is the level of chaos i wish to achieve. the answer is yes. turmi probably cannot count without using her fingers and cant do long division without a calculator. shes not smart, but she is god,, i dont make the rules but i do

her best friends fear her. one is an albino twink, the other is God pt 2. she doesnt consider him a friend no she doesnt. if turmi could be any animal she would be that goose from hit game 'Untitled Goose Game' she would probably kill the gardener ngl

i hate her like i hate myself. everyday i fear my own creations and wonder if shes still considered my sona. i dont control her anymore she controls me... send help immediately please i



when she was alive, turmi was lit erally just this ordinary bitch hanging out with her friend dex, next thing they know some person comes up to them and is like 'ayo wanna play god' and they thought it was a game bc theyre like . 10. and so theyre like 'lol sure' so she starts training these two people for absolutely nothing and then she pushes dex off a building and turmis just kinda sytanding there like [insert standing emote] n kinda trys to run but the person ends up just pushing her down like ten flights of stairs and then she dies.

post death

so shes is kinda hovering in nothingness with dex like 'tf just happened' so they stay like that for decades until some bitch named ekibyo opens up a third eye of sorts and starts being able to communicate with him so they p much make him write their life story of how they became these gods and then ekibyo disappears and then they disappear and are like . in some voided white so they start creating things bc theyre like . 12. and then they call themselves gods and start aging like normal and its just a great time


flash forward a few centuries and shes now the ruler of hell and purgatory and she likes getting drunk on expensive wine. somewhere along the line she got into a huge fight with dex and now theyre like grrr enemies. anyways, shes batshit crazy and kinda really dumb like . she has common sense she just cant count without her fingers like,, stuff like that. she can also one hit people with a red plastic bat- it started out as a joke . now it is not . anyways shes just living the dream now


dex mutual annoyance

shes . kinda annoyed by him and often times believes hes got a stick too far up his ass to properly have fun

turais allianced

both are females worshipped as gods, theyve gotta have their ladies nights with someone after all

eden pacted

she owes him one for letting her leech off him all those years so when he wants a night out on the town she knows the best places to take him


  • she has a litol charm on the hook of her hat [usually a star]
  • shes got stupid black blood often called 'onyx gold'
  • has fangs similar to a canine [two on bottom two on top]
  • her bang tuff goes down to either the bridge of her nose or upper lip

stupidity high

hunger constant

hotel trivago

| https://toyhou.se/10400927.ren-osseous

"shall we introduce ourselves or cut to the chase?"


any [they/it/she/he/xe]






bone reaper

