3.3 Sharati



6 years, 10 months ago



 Sharati Is a stubborn, determined, and courageous cyclot.  She is also Reckless cocky and short-tempered, not the best combination for a cyclot determined to show you don't need an ability to be special. For she is one of the rare side cyclots that lacks a natural ability. However she will not let that stop her from proving how much she can done with out one.

  Sharati tries to make up for her lack of an ability with the small amounts of magic she is capable of. As well as the many artefacts she finds on her endless quest to explore every part of the known universe. her primary method of such a goal is to take any portal she comes across. Usually without any clue where it Will spit her out. This has led to more than one close call at the very start of her Journeys.  Yet she has never let this get to her. Instead she takes this set back as a challenge to improve. Making sure to take stronger Shield charms the next time she throws herself at a portal.

Once on the other side of a portal, she usually tries to set up a semi secure camp. Yet if she finds herself in a very interesting place she'll go headlong into exploring.Sharati is super curious and seeing new things.  She wants to be the first to categorize and document the strange oddities around the world and realms. Exploring is its own reward Seeing old structures new animals and even plants.  If she finds treasure it's all the better.

 Sharati does take trophies form her adventures. She has her own collection of relics, charms, Idol, Runestones, tomes, and other magical item. However as someone not highly skilled in magic she often has to go to others for clarification and explanation of just what she found.  This has led to some trying to steal things from her or even cheat her.  Sharati is not one to be taken so lightly fighting tooth and claw to protect what is hers.  If the other person Is a highly skilled magic-user she will use her orb of clarity. The small green stone being the first Relic she ever found. The orbs power to render all but environmental magic useless is something that can’t be replaced. Making every confrontation strictly physical Based this has saved Sharati more than once form those with clearly powerful magic.  Even though she is on the smaller side she fights like a hell demon.  Her size and rage allowing her to move quickly and strike fast against larger enemies. 

How ever for the most part Sharati knows who she can go to get clear and honest oppion on the relics she fins. As well as even suggestions for new places to Explore.  Though not an official member up the upper floor staff Sharati has freedom to come and go as she needs through the libraries personal warp. Enjoying long talks with sketch about the relics she brings in and copies of runes and texts she know sketch wishes he was brave enough to go see in person. Sketches special ink being a needed stable for her adventures to have listing trial markings and protect all her writing form the elements.   The two are And good friends. And Sharati will do anything she can to help out when asked. One such thing is to make copies of any all writing she comes across in her adventures. To add to the archives about certain areas.  She gets along with Scribble and Robins equally as well. Being calm and polite to both. She enjoys sparing with Robin. Even though the cyclot has an insane power Sharatie deeply respects the younger clots dedication to now use it unless necessary.  They have even more interest n scribble using her seemingly odd ability to the at fullest to do her job. It makes reinforces Sharatie thoughts. Having an ability doesn’t make your special it’s how you use it.

cus if there one thing Sharati can’t stand is those that abuse their power. Magic is a tool that needs to be respected.  Not something to eb feared form those that are able to use it. 

Other information

Most of her wounds and scars and from accidents on adventures and fights with those trying to steal her stuff.

She never goes anywhere without her orb of clarity

Her own private home is an old temple she  has worked to to repair and live in. with many portals in it to her favorite area’s


Normal Ears - Common

Three Teeth - Uncommon

Colored Pupil - Uncommon

Normal body - common

Wings - Rare

Normal legs - Common

Smooth normal tail - Common

Drowsy poison - Common

No ability - uncommon

Normal size - common