
2 years, 10 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$5 - $10




please be a good owner and read the rules.


Please offer atleast €5,00/500pts when offering only €/pts 

((if you offer 1000pts / 10 € and i'll accept i'll draw you a halfbody of them. ))

((if you offer 1500pts / 15 € and i'll accept i'll draw you a Chibi of them. ))

((if you offer 2000pts / 20 € and i'll accept i'll draw you a ref of them. ))




1 (Open) Shiba

Owner: @


2 (Open) Demon Kitsune

Owner: @


3 (Open) Pastel catto

Owner: @


4 (Open) Starchild

Owner: @


5 (Open) Dark Prince

Owner: @


6 (Open) Mint Chocolate

Owner: @

Base by Oncha

- !!Keep in mind that i don't have to accept!!


1. you can offer adopts/designs/ocs/customs, art, or money/points

---- if you do offer art for them and don't finish within 1 week the adopt will be open for others again (if you need more time let me know)

2. Once the adoptable is yours, you can do whatever you'd like with it. 

3. please don't say "unlimited" art aka don't be my art slave thank you

4. Do not resell for more than what you had paid unless there is other art included (before selling them you must ask me first bc i wanna know who the new owner is or i will actually buy them back, please that is very important)

(there are probably more rules but i forgot whoopss but it's basically the usual)

5. Say nya if you read the rules!! they mean a lot to me and i would love to see them getting loved but also if they aren't getting loved resell them to me 

6. You may change little things such as: Gender, Eye color, clothes, personality.