Lil' Julie



6 years, 10 months ago


Ever since Amy was a whee lil lass, she loved helping her mother with her sewing. At first, she would just play with the fabric while her mother scolded her for playing with the needles, but over time she started helping out more. Sometimes she would even get to sew the pieces together!

So when her mother told her that Amy would have a new baby sister soon, she was determined to make the perfect lil doll for her new sister to play with and love and cherish forever and ever. For what seemed like forever (well, forever for a 5-year-old), Amy spent all her time slowly and meticulously planning the most perfect doll ever, and even more time sewing and sewing and sewing it together. And after soooooo much time, she finally finished it.

But her new sister never showed up. Mommy told Amy that something had happened, and the new baby went to go live with grand pappy now. This broke poor Amy's heart. What would she do with the pretty dolly she made? Sad and confused, she spent many days crying and cradling the little doll she had made that now has no purpose. At first, the doll was just that, an empty bag of fluff and stitches. But over time Amy noticed something different about it. Sometimes when she would hug it, it felt like it was hugging her back. Other times when she was lying in bed, she swore she could feel it nuzzling her. Not sure what was happening, she was scared at first. But over time she started believing that the doll she had made for her little sister actually was her little sister, coming from grand pappy's place up in the clouds to come play with her big sister.

So Amy kept her new little sister close and played with her as any good big sister would. She made her cute clothes to wear, patched her up when she got a booboo. Everything a big sister should do to keep her lil sis nice and safe.