


2 years, 9 months ago


-Noriko is a young woman from Inazuma. She has a thin, muscular build, a few scars on her limbs, long blue hair that fades to a light blue and deep-red eyes. She’s a Cryo Bow user and seems to take joy in hunting down Vision Hunters. The armor pieces she wears are taken from those she killed.

-She has a real hatred for Vision Hunters and the Raiden Shogun herself. She and her younger brother, who had a Hydor Vision, were traveling around Inazuma when the Vision Hunt was decreed. A month later her younger brother started to get concerned over what was happening and worried about how it would affect them. Not only to him, though he didn’t want to give up his Vision, but also to his older sister as well. He knew that Noriko would rather die then let anyone take his Vision but that was the one thing he didn’t want to happen. So when they reached a coastal town, he managed to get his hands on an old fishing boat as a favor for helping an old man whose wife was sick. His plan was to take off, and leave the island.
He wanted to leave alone, trusting that he could make it through the storms with the aid of his Hydro Vision, but not trusting that he could keep Noriko safe as well. Noriko argued with him fiercely about this, for hours. Eventually he agreed that he would wait until the next day. Trusting in that, since she had always been able to argue him down before and he didn’t usually defy her, she went to go looking for supplies.
When she came back she found him, and the boat gone, the few supplies they had with them. That night a fierce storm lashed the coast. The villagers had said it had been happening recently, and all she could do was pray that her younger brother was right about his abilities.
The next day she found his corpse washed up on the beach.
The hours after that happened are a blur to her. All she knows is that at some point she was taken to the village, and while she was still in shock the Vision Hunters came, looked over her brother’s corpse, shouted at her some, then disappered with her brother’s Vision.

After that, Noriko ended up joining the Resistance, guiding vision-wielders to safety. Not out of any nobel reasons mind - she just wanted to hurt the Raiden Shogun. She knew she was too weak to really do anything, especially since she lacked a Vision herself, but depriving Raiden of something she wanted was some sort of vengeance at least.

During one trip out she was ambushed by Vision Hunters and got separated from the rest of the group she was with. Backed into a corner, the Vision Hunters demanded she surrender. Noriko’s answer was to put an arrow in the throat of the speaker, and tell them she refused. She also swore that she wasn’t going to die here, not to the Shogun’s pupppets. Part of her still was expecting her death, but at the end of her decleration, a blast of ice pushed back the Visoin Hunters that had started to rush her and her Vision appeared in her hand.
As she started at the Vision in her hand she started to laugh. The Raiden Shogun might have deserted her people, but apparently other gods had not.

Now, although she does still help the Resistance and tries to get Vision wielders to safety, it’s because it aids her nicely in helping her find Vision Hunter patrols. When she finds one, they makes sure that none escape alive.

The one exception to this is when she keeps one alive so she can drag him up to Akisada in exchange for a boon.