


2 years, 10 months ago


I was debating placing him with the Flick clones, but have decided to give him ✨his very own profile!✨

Sebastian was "born" when a man named Xavier (or Pascal if you ask Flick) ended up creating a clone using his own and Flick's hair! Nobody REALLY knows why, perhaps he was trying to use it as a way to get Flick to be nicer, saying it was their child, but who knows? Xavier and Flick were friends for a while, if you can call that friends, he was her pawn. He fought to get some respect or just better treatment from Flick, but never got it, and wound up dead after Flick literally bombed him.

Sebastian survived, a child that was created and discarded. Flick wouldn't take care of a kid if it would save her life, so she avoided him. Being a clone, Sebastian isn't a normal human, his biology is all sorts of fucked up since he was so hastily created in some crappy cloning machine.

Sebastian grew up quickly, all the while trying to get some parental affection from his remaining parent. This failed at every turn, even when he kept attacking people violently trying to get Flick's respect. Now as a fully grown man, Sebastian retains a lot of his "parent's" personalities. They clash so badly that mixing it into one person has created a monster. A sad, torn up monster. Sebastian just wants love, but he's accustomed to drinking and bashing in people's heads with a baseball bat.

Lucky for him he's actually gotten into a good life recently! Sebastian met a woman named Mallory that took him in, feeling bad for him. She brought him home and was super sweet and loving towards him. The whole time he sat there puzzled by this strange woman and her strange behavior. (Which wasn't even strange, hes just never experienced someone being nice to him!) After a while of spending time with her and opening up about his emotional turmoil, he's definitely in love, but he feels like he should be keeping that information to himself. He worries that he would ruin Mallory's life with his insanity and his behavior. He's violent and an alcoholic when Mallory is just this normal, put together girl. That story never ends well. He could definitely get better and become a more peaceful person, but he doesn't know that, nor is it certain he would put confidence in his own abilities to do that. However if he keeps on this path, he will eventually end up there anyway and maybe then he will feel like he's deserving of love, or just Mallory's that is.

A few notes about Xavier since he's dead and won't be getting his own profile:

  • Irish lad (accent, language, whole nine yards)
  • Had been kidnapped as a kid and was never returned home, was absorbed into an organized crime group
  • As a criminal, he seemed confident and useful, but as a person he was weak and sad, barely holding on
  • When Flick refused to call him by his actual name, he responded by refusing to call her by her name (Except he chose various affectionate terms you'd typically only call your SO)
  • Defo liked Flick, which is astounding because she treated him so poorly. She literally set him on fire once.
  • Defo a bit creepy, actually. Between calling Flick various affectionate terms even when she said to knock it off, trying to get her to like him by spawning a child, and on at least one occasion sneaking into her home and talking to her while she slept, maybe it's a good thing he's not around anymore! There were a handful of other occurrences that kinda of made him out to be a creepy pushy weirdo. Flick, however, was pretty good at avoiding his bullshit and when in doubt would just straight up assault him. (Additionally, he tricked her into kissing him; Not cool, man) If Demon was active back then, he would have been dead a lot sooner.
  • Was an alcoholic, and carried bottles of his own mix of booze along with him everywhere he went. Flick said he was more pleasant when he was drinking, but only because he was a bit pathetic without it and she couldn't get him to do anything.
  • Finally decided Flick wasn't worth dying for, and then promptly died when she blew him up.