Nanami (Persona)



6 years, 8 months ago


Nickname: Nami, Nam (for closed friends)

Other name: Azelia, SwaNami (Artist name)

Pet/Companion: Fennec fox and Duckling

About my personas (how i would describe them. I cant describe the kind of person i am so its not accurate to these personas. Only some parts.)

Nanami ♀️ - She's supposed to be positive side of me and innocent. Although she still short anyway lmaoo. Pretty much will do anything for her family and friends. But people hard to take her seriously and sometimes gets bullied and taken advantage off. She can be childish and stupid but still can think logically. She's hard to voice out her thoughts and feelings which end up bottling it up. She's trying really really hard. Also can be energetic and hyper when she's too happy or excited.

Nanami ♂️ - Her genderbend wasn't much of a change but is a tsundere. Another side of me which wanted to protect a person very much dear to him (his female counterpart). Taking the role of an older brother. Have short temper as well.