.: Seren :. (Agreed upon terms of service)




•You cannot claim the foal as your design, I will be making the coat.

•You cannot change the parents, their ref will be put in the image with the foal reference.

•You must credit both the base maker, and myself each time it is uploaded.

•you are not allowed to pull the coat off the base.

•You may breed your adopt with whatever horse you like, but their foals cannot be a copy of the grandparents.

•Breaking these terms means you forfeit the foal and all art that comes with it. This is non-negotiable. I retain the right to reclaim the adopt if you willingly break these terms, which will remain up for all to read.

•You cannot sell the design to a friend to skirt my terms, these terms will follow the design and will remain in effect.

•You MUST tell me if you are selling this design, otherwise I will reclaim as is my right.

By commenting and asking for a design, you fully agree to my terms, including my reclaim terms. This is non-negotiable. No excuses or claiming to forget.

These terms were agreed to before purchase, and are binding.