


2 years, 10 months ago



Name Raxifire
Titles Ghost Bird, Phoenix of the Pleiades
Age Unknown Immortal
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Pronouns He/She/They/It/Bird
Species Phoenix Spirit
Classpect Mage of Space
Class Sorcerer/Warlock
Magic specialties Evocation/Astrological
Height 5'2
Owner Raxifire
CSS Eggy
Website Raxifire.Art

Raxifire is a spirit with an affinity for fire magic, who is cursed to be reborn into a different life each time they are summoned

After causing a number of disasters in the distant past, Rax's immortal soul was banished to a faraway planet by an order of mages. However, a spell exists within the multiverse to summon Raxifire though any location in time and space, created by an eldritch god in exchange for becoming a herald of their cult. As they are summoned forth, Rax's spirit is reborn through fire, losing their memories and life experiences until their physical form dies again, upon which their immortal spirit is returned again to their beautiful and lonely prison among the stars.

Rax lives a thousand lives, each with different experiences and slightly different personalities with each summoning. Yet whenever Rax returns to their planet in death, they regain their memories of all their past lives and the frustration of being forever stuck once again. Rax's goal is to somehow escape this infinite cycle of death and rebirth, and their eons of immortality are spent plotting their eventual return...


Combat ability


Rare books and treasures

Space and astronomy

Nature and Forests



Crowds of people

Rules and authority figures

Enclosed spaces

With each iteration of Raxifire's summoning, their personality is slightly different depending on their experiences in that life. However, a few elements of their personality are universal across all lives. They are very introverted, preferring time to themself or a small group of friends over large gatherings. They are free-spirited and mischievious, enjoying pranks and thievery. They like to collect and hoard rarities, which could be anything from shiny treasures to valuable information. They love space, science and nature, and they have a seemingly innate desire to fly. Flaws that are present across all lives include an arrogant nature, a tendancy to not consider the consequences of their actions, self-reliance to a fault, and significant issues with authority... that and the arson, so so much arson


Like many other spirits, Rax was created from the primordial energies of the spirit plane, born of a concept and given life by the beliefs and fears of mortals. Before recorded history, Rax existed as a carefree fire spirit, a strange bird-like being that surfaced onto the mortal plane to revel and dance whenever there was a great wildfire.

Rax's first contact with humans was when a large group tried to trap and kill them, believing Rax to cause wildfires. They were partly successful- Rax's physical form was slain, but it is not so easy to destroy a spirit. Enraged, Rax's badly injured soul within the spirit plane was desperate to get back to the mortal realm to enact their revenge. In order to do so, Rax made a deal with an old god deep within the primordial energy of the spirit world.

The terms of the deal were this- Rax would prepare the mortal realm for the coming of the eldritch god, establishing a cult and finding a way to summon them forth. In exchange, the god designed a spell for Rax. This spell would allow Rax to be summoned from the spirit world through any location in time and space, provided someone was on the other end to initiate the spell.

Immediately as Rax returned to the physical world, they began to enact their revenge on humanity- creating vast fires, enormous infernos to engulf whole cities over a period of many decades. This, of course, caught the attention of a mysterious order of mages, an order created to protect humanity and destroy magical threats such as Rax. With their combined power, the order banished Rax from earth with an equally powerful spell. This spell trapped Rax's spirit on a far distant planet within the solar system Alcyone.

However, the banishment spell combined with the eldritch summoning spell to a very strange effect- Rax was still able to be summoned to earth in physical form, however due to their spirit being banished, Rax was no longer able to be summoned intact. Instead, with each summoning, Rax is reborn completely, with their memory and spirit wiped clean.

Rax lives each life independantly, completely ignorant to their past and their purpose. Each time Rax dies and regains their memories, Rax learns more about themself, the world, the universe, and humanity. Back in the spirit plane though, Rax's eldritch patron is growing impatient...

Abilities + Gear

Eerie flames

Rax is an adept fire mage, using flame magic for any of their burning needs. Rax's fire spells always manifest as a strange glowing blue color, burning hotter and more volatile than typical fire- often Rax loses control of these flames which usually results in some unfortunate and destructive consequences.

Firebird's wings

Rax's physical form differs with each life, but a common element seen is a pair of large crow-like wings, which Rax can intuitively summon and unsummon through magic. These wings are not biological, and may often appear incorporeal or constructed out of flames. However, being made of magic, these wings are especially vulnerable to attacks that disable spells.

Afterlife Intuition

While summoned, Rax has no memories of their past or ghostly nature. However despite the lack of knowledge on the subject, Rax possesses an instinctual connection to the spirit plane. This connection varies in strength with each life, but typically manifests as a powerful interest in the subject of ghosts and a desire to make contact, as well as a very minor ability to detect ghostly presences. In dnd terms, this ability functions as a constant low-level detect magic spell, but only for beings from the spirit plane. Other ghosts/spirits/demons are also able to faintly detect Rax's undead nature, and usually react with mild confusion or interest.

Ghostly Possession

Raxifire has a limited ability to possess people, overtaking and controlling their minds and bodies. Due to the difficulty and level of skill required to use this ability, it can only be done when Rax has their full memories, and thus it is impossible in most of Rax's lives. The possession requires a lot of energy and concentration, and can be broken by any sort of anti-possession wards, or even by particularly strong-willed individuals. In extremely rare cases of weakness and vulnerability in the summoning ritual, Rax can possess the one who summons them, overtaking and combining their reborn spirit and the body of the victim for the duration of that life, until their physical form dies again. These versions of Rax are far more dangerous, as they retain some of their memories and they are easily disguised among regular humans.

Spirit Walk

When Rax has full awareness and memory of their nature, they are able to slip across dimensions into the spirit plane. If Rax has a physical form/body, this ability can be incredibly draining to maintain (near-impossible if they are possessing a mortal creature), However if Rax is not currently summoned into physical form, being in the spirit plane is actually quite refreshing as a disembodied spirit. While in the spirit plane, Rax is invisible, can travel through physical barriers, and can easily see nearby spirits. However, the more time spent in the spirit plane, the more the eldritch old god becomes aware of Rax's presence, and may inform Rax of their growing displeasement (the experience of which is often horrifyingly unpleasant and mind-breaking)

Aspect of the Phoenix

The Aspect of the Phoenix is a legendary sword that Rax constructed in their banishment. It is a powerful magic conduit which enhances and focuses spells with very powerful effects. It is constructed out of a lightweight and durable steel, stained black with the ash of a phoenix's resurrection. The centre of the sword is formed of a blue crystalline core carved with intricate runes and shining with energy sapped from the spirit plane over a duration of a thousand years.

Rax's Known Lives

Fell SMP Rax

Fell!Rax is an enderbeast, a creature that was transformed into a being of the end from a mysterious disease run rampant within the dimension. After the end was devastated from a famine, Rax strives to renew and rebuild their beloved home, and they are not beyond shady dealings and business in order to do so. Fell!Rax is much more studious and cunning than many of their counterparts.

Winterfall Rax

Wf!Rax is an independent plane pilot who has managed to live through the end of the world through flight skill and a lot of luck. They use their deteriorating plane and knowledge to save other survivors trapped in the frozen apocalypse. Yet, having stumbled on a strange sculking darkness hidden in the woods near a small settlement, they struggle to balance their desire to save others while isolating their corruption for the safety of all.

Yokai SMP Raxifire

A lonely little ghost floating wistlessly for many years, this version of Rax is naive and desperate for friendship, going to extreme lengths to find (or make) other ghosts. Link to a google doc with more info: Yokai SMP Raxifire

Skyblock Rax

On the hypixel skyblock islands, Rax is a great leviathan, greater in size than a whole sky fleet. It is unknown if this version of Rax is sentient, yet the way it hunts ships by striking quickly only to hide below the cloud cover implies a great level of intelligence. The leviathan Raxifire is the main target of the dragon hunter Venatrax.


The Ritual - HognoseSnake's Halloween Fest

A short story I wrote for an october spooky writing event, organized by @/SnakeHognose on twitter! It features a scenario that may involve the summoning of a strange and malevolent version of Rax