


3 years, 2 months ago



You may know me but do i know you?

  •  Name   Magy Crystalfield 
  •  Age   24
  •  Height   169 cm 
  •  Occupation   Bounty hunter 
  •  Sexuality   Straight 
  •  Personality                                  

    Only gives you attention if you’re really close to her, if not she will ignore you most of the time. Overprotective and brave, Introverted around strangers but extroverted around friends. Hurting her or her friends could lead you to severe injuries,,
  •  Appearance 

    An unknown creature but has crystal horns around her head and tail. Wears a rose gem necklace, a kimono with short skirt, black shorts and summer shirt.
  •  Likes   Gems, friends, nostalgic stuff, islands
  •  Dislikes   Strangers, untrustworthy people, rusty stuff 
  •  Backstory 

  • Magy is known to be a rare and unknown creature. And because of this many wanted to get her hands on her. This resulted in her being trapped in a crystal for 10 years of her life. Despite this traumatic event Magy’s kind heart did not falter. Although she was more cautious of strangers because of the event that transpired.
    Even though she spent 10 years in a crystal her body still continued its growth. She had also kept her consciousness while inside the crystal, and that was how she knew when the perfect time to escape would be. She spent 10 long years listening to the people outside the crystal talking about the flaws that the crystal had and many other useful things. So of course she figured out a way to break free.
    Once free Magy was faced with another problem. She had nowhere to go and she was likely to land herself in a very much similar situation she was just in. And so with as much caution as she can muster she began her long travel, surviving only on forest fruits- mostly berries.
    A few months later Magy had arrived in a relatively empty small town. Usually she wouldn’t even dare go near a town much less walk its streets. But this time around something shiny had caught her eye and she couldn’t help but want to get a closer look. And so she threw disregarded the previous cautions she took and went to have a close look. She pressed her face into the shops window, her eyes glowing in wonder as she stared at an emerald jewel.
    “Hey, I haven’t seen you around here. Are you a visitor?” A girl her a few years older than suddenly said, startling Magy. She quickly looked at the girl as her body posture turned guarded. Magy backed away a bit.
    “You don’t have to be afraid, I promise I’m not here to hurt you. My name is Fujita, what’s your name?” The girl said trying to reassure Magy as she offered her a kind smile. Fujita’s smile faltered as she saw Magy’s bleeding elbow.
    “Oh! You’re bleeding. Here let me help with that.” Fujita said as she rummaged through her bad. Magy looked at her elbow. Right, she had scraped it when she tripped on the way to the shop window, it didn’t hurt much though so she didn’t really pay mind to it.
    Magy was pulled out of her thoughts when she saw Fujita offer her something. A band aid. Magy simply stared at her hand not sure of what to do. Noticing her hesitance Fujita slowly moved closer to Magy.
    “Here I’ll help you.” She said. Fujita gently took hold of Magy’s elbow. Magy flinched upon contact but relaxed when she felt the soft and gentle hold. Fujita quickly covered the bleeding wound with the band aid.
    “There. All done.” She announced. Magy stared at her for a moment.
    “Magy. My name is Magy.” She introduced herself. Fujita’s smile brightened even more.
    “Nice to meet you Magy! I hope we get along.”
    A few days later she would meet Tao and Ihew her soon to be best friends. That was how Magy found the place she could call home.
  •  Fujita   Nurse/friend 

    Fujita is probably known for being the clumsiest farmer ever yet a very gentle nurse. People doesn’t really know about her nursing skills as Magy is the only that knows her nursing skills. Also Magies first friend.
  •  Tao   Bestfriend 

    Yet Tao is her 2nd friend, he managed to find Magies insecurities and comforts her. Also the fact that he is from an island actually interests her.
  •  Ihew   Friend 

    Ihew is mostly known for scaring people with his weird introduction appearances, this actually surprised Magy to know about him more. Ihew visits Magy and her friends often till this day!
  •  Any phobias?

    After being stuck in a crystal for 10 years this caused her to have Claustrophobia and i mean EXTREME Claustrophobia. Tight spaces can make her real uncomfy which causes her to become weak.
  •  Any species analysis?

    DNA tests show that it’s probably an mystical creature with crystal horns, it could be some sort of crystal dinosaur but scientists are still reviewing and studying about her when near a lab.
  •  Question 

    Aenean vulputate efficitur lacus, at feugiat orci sodales porta. Donec vulputate accumsan orci, at tempor ante mollis vitae. Vivamus accumsan dapibus sodales. Aenean dignissim turpis eget risus eleifend, et congue arcu mattis.
  •  Question 

    Etiam auctor nibh semper nunc aliquam, et facilisis felis sodales. Proin vel volutpat augue. Donec suscipit mollis gravida. Sed vel lectus a justo sodales posuere.
  •  Trivia 
    • ● Her body is made out of crystals. Cannot bleed but shattered pieces come out.
    • ● She is currently wanted in Japan right now, Magy robbed a store with bunch of gems and harassing villagers.
    • ● For some reason has a fascination with islands.
    • ● People of her village thinks she is cursed because of her random appearance.
    • ● Randomly Magy gets some sudden urges to rob, harass or even murder people! I rlly don’t know why.
    • ● She still thinks the crystal is a part of her home yet don’t want to visit.

profile html by Hukiolukio