


6 years, 8 months ago


Doctor Who inspired design won in a WTA on LordAcies 's dA.


Age: 22 (dog years)


Personality: + kind/ caring to others +loves to listen. is great to talk about your problems with + wont interrupt when your are speaking to him +very patient

-Spends most of his time away from others -hates social interactions with anyone outside of his small friend group -comes off as rude when meeting new people -he secretly judges everyone. He criticizes everyone in his own head, pointing out all their flaws. -can be very stubborn with his opinions

Sexuality: Asexual

Hobbies/Job: reading

Flaws: -has minor social anxiety -minor depression ( it doesn't affect him to much in day to day life) -deaf in one ear

Backstory: As a young pup he loved to adventure, often wondering away from his mother and sisters. He didn't like spending much time with his sisters, and the fact that he didn't have a brother to play with bothered him. He would still roughhouse with one of the larger of his sisters and loved to play. As he got older he got quieter and began to keep to himself a bit more. As time went on he became more and more antisocial, avoiding all confrontation even with his own sisters. He still enjoyed cuddling up and sleeping next to his mother though and would often follow her around. He knew that his mother would always protect him and he adored her. He took an interest in books at a young age. He started reading and just couldn't stop. He loves to listen to audiobooks as well. He would spend much of his day just laying around listening or reading his books.