Baron Of Imperium



3 years, 2 months ago


Age: Unknown 

Sex: Male

Species: Unknown 

Height: 6'

Weight: 72 Tons

Occupation: Adventurer 

Personality: Hot headed and stubborn

Background/Facts: The Baron of Imperium is the oldest of Wanderers siblings. Wandererbeing the 2nd oldest and Null being the youngest. An unnamed one being the 3rd youngest.  The Baron of Imperium is powered by the material existence of matter and its production of energy. He can use the force equal to or greater than a blackhole and is objectively the strongest of the four siblings in regards to physical strength. Eternity being the most versatile in her abilities and Null being the strongest in terms of  devastation. His body is harder than diamond and near impossible to crack by normal means. He has 4 arms(5 if you count the tail) that all float outside his body(the tails attached). Though you could theoretically take them from him you would need to use the force of a blackhole, and the strength to actually hold the limb up. His body is incredibly dense and heavy, him jumping on solid concrete would result in a crater. He has ways to lessen the impact of his movements so as to avoid this, mainly so he doesn't destroy everything he walks on.  Similar to Eternity and Null, killing him is incredibly difficult, but possible. If he were to die it would take him approximately 15 years to regain his lost memories after revival, however without his memories he is a huge hazard to those around him, as he won't have the knowledge to keep his abilities at bay, and something as simple as walking could cause mass devastation.  Though his strengths are mainly physical he does possess some magic capabilities, which he uses to prevent himself from being hazardous around weaker species. As mentioned earlier he is capable of harnessing the force of a black hole, as well as resisting one, along with this he can bend any form of energy at will, and is strong enough to cause universe wide power outages with this ability.  Imperium is also very hot headed, his emotional range, like Eternitys, is limited, and he is mainly stuck with anger, joy and sadness, along with variations of these emotions.  Imperium has a long time rivalry with Null, being disapproving of his usually destructive actions, before Nulls disappearance the two were often the ones responsible for the deaths of the other, much to Eternityand the other siblings annoyance. Despite this Imperium does feel somewhat responsible for Nulls disappearance, as he was also the one who usually kept him in check, and his failing to notice Nulls separation with his core lead to their brother going missing and being unable to regain his memories. Imperium is now the one mainly in charge of searching down the core, but he gets frustrated easily and has trouble focusing on the task without getting upset.