Neco Xenon



6 years, 10 months ago


Name: Neco Xenon

Age: 26

Birth date: May 12th

Height: 6'1

Weapon: Magic (Fire)

Level: Knight

Beliefs/Religion: The name of the religion is still unknown but we know he worships reapers and death gods.

Blood Type: AB-

Basic Description:


Current Information


>family  background: His Father died in war ( he was also a magic caster ) His  mother lives in the kingdom with his little sister, Neco is the one who  works and give them all the money he makes as a "knight".

>birth place: Erizon Kingdom.

>history,  background: Nero Xenon, named after his grandfather, as a boy he didn't  leave the kingdom. He always wanted to see the outside world but it was  something he knew he would never do, less he joined the army as well at  that time he was far to young. He had started school and was a "normal  kid". It wasn't until his younger sister was kidnapped that he found out  he was a *magic caster like his father. Neco used his own fire skills  to burn down the house of the kidnappers after saving his little sister.  

Neco had a hard time controlling his magic, He was only able to use  his fire magic at this this time the kingdom had alot of  fires......In neco's teen years he became better at it and joined the  army at 18. Hes well use of his magic grow, but every one makes  mistakes, in the *great war, he suffered bad injuries to his face  (around his eyes) This made him quiet anger for sometime and his fire  grow controllable at times but soon he was able to adjust to this  change. He started to use his fire as a way to see, Making him even  better with his magic, Soon after the Queen noitced this and made neco a  "*knight"

*Magic caster info(alittle): magic caster are not  just BORN with their powers it is something they have to find in their  own emotions. in neco's case his anger is what "fired" up his magic.

*Great war: More info on this will come later :3

*Knight:  I think it is time for me to explain the "knights" i speak of.  "knights" are not just normal people they are special, They usually have  amazing powers or skills. They are also still apart of the army, Just  used for more inside jobs.

>Education: In modern terms he is a "high school drop out"

>home: Erizon kingdom.

>pets: He hates cats and his mother never let him get a dog...///tear




>personality (i.e. Are they a daredevil or cautious?

Do  they act the same alone as when with someone?): Neco is a smart young  man but i would like to say he is "Girl dumb". Hes dumb when it comes to  girls but he can be very clever on the battle field.

Hes very cocky to, He thinks hes o-so-cool, cause hes "blind" and still a knight.

>vernacular (way of speaking): He says "Man" at the end of a lot of his sentences

>psychological condition: Heathly, Blind

>social and other pressure, problems: When hes in "girl dumb" mode he runs into things.

>relationships  (with who and what kind, i.e. the main character): The only other  knight that i have left out of wraps is "Arella" and so far, they are  okay, They will fight together but she hates when he trys to hit on her.

>habit: He taps his fingers on flat's annoying to everyone.


>goals: See, hes little sister grow up and maybe go to her wedding as best man.

>greatest hope: One day he could be back to a normal life with a wife and maybe a dog.

>Soft spot: Dogs.

>worst nightmare: Other people dying for him.

>hobbies: Singing in the shower.