Herkimer Diamond



6 years, 10 months ago


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Herkimer diamond was a gem experiment on earth a while after pink was shattered. The goal was to create a new diamond on earth, the planet that was pink's. Homeworld's gems only had a chance at planting her in one of their former kindergartens, since they didn't want the rebels to find out.
In the kindergarten, she accidentally took up too much "quartz soil" making her a quartz rather than a diamond. When she came out she still looked like a diamond and had the clarity expected of one but she only had the strength of a large quartz. The homeworld gems considered her a failure and left her on earth for the rebels to deal with. The rebels never found her though, because out of shame she ran and hid herself in a forest.
Amongst humans she is referred to as the lady of the forest. Some humans leave offerings for her at the edge of her forest, since they consider her to be some sort of deity.

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