Takahiro Akiyama



6 years, 9 months ago


Age: 20

Height: 6'0"

Gender: Male

Takahiro is part of the Stage and Set Design department! He loves making the setting that sets the mood for the story and makes the characters bloom. He sees the stage as the base or frame to the painting (the actor), meant to bring out the most of the painting and it's story. Takahiro is a sucker for architecture and environmental design, and loves to design and craft a variety of different props. 

He enjoys crafting and woodworking. Once he gets to work in his studio, he gets very focused and is not easily budged until he finds a satisfying stopping point. He also often falls into pits of motivation deficiency or blocks of hell.

An extroverted guy who's a social bean and easily picks up on social cues. He is very easy to approach and he himself can approach others without hesitation. The type of person who always smiles and laughs without being fake. He's very headstrong and determined, sometimes even being seen as stubborn (but in a good way). He's also a very good listener and cares for others well-being. Straightforward with his emotions and will confront and try to open up others when they seem to be in distress. However, he knows the limits of when and when not to push someone to open up.

A dirty minded gentleman. On the very rare occasions where Lucien catches him off guard, he acts like a wholesome boy at the most random romantic times. When he gets lazy, he gets REALLY lazy and unmotivated. Sprawls everywhere on the floor. He's also a really deep sleeper, and wakes up groggy in the morning but doesn't have trouble getting up after a few minutes. 

Takahiro is good with his hands (in more ways than one), and on top of woodworking and craftsmaking is really good at cooking. He is well-built and a strong, tall guy since he sometimes works with larger props. Roughed up hands, and has good stability but for some reason his handwriting is a mess. Can't sing despite playing on his guitar occasionally.