Canis Minor (Alpha Gen - Pala)



6 years, 4 months ago


The Alpha Generation

Civilian Name: 
Pala Adapyr
Nickname: Mother Hen, "(But) Moooooooom...", Terrior the Terror Terrier, Uber-Momma
 Senshi Name: Sailor Canis Minor (the original, "Alpha")
 Constellation: Canis_Minor
 Occupation prior to becoming the CaMi weapon: International champion of Gravball*, trainer at the planetary academy
 Special Skills (civilian): Extremely empathic and protective of others. Very athletic and in perfect physical health.
alive: oldest Daughter Vevina (Alpha Tucana)
deceased: everyone else
 Home: Big busy capital city.
 Age: 47
 Height: 4'7" | 140 cm
 Hair Color: ginger
 Eye Color: brown
Skin Colour: naturally pale and freckled

Even  though Pala is short, she is hard to miss. What she lacks in height,  she makes more than up with confidence. She is almost always loud,  mumbling to herself when there is nobody to talk to. While she knows  subtlety, they both agreed to not get along well and parted ways early  in her life already.
She is very helpful towards anyone, often even  downright annoying with her well-intended advise. Pala is extremely  stubborn and stands her ground no matter what, even when she knows she's  wrong. She also brave and as selfless as self-preservation allows.

After  becoming a living weapon, the loss of almost her entire family caused  an overcompensation. She treats every younger constellation as if they  were a child of hers. This includes checking if they had healthy meals,  wishing them a good night before going to sleep. Oh, and yes, sending  them to their room as punishment. She doesn't care how powerful you are.  She'll count to three.
The only person able to keep her in check is the Lady of Stars, the only person who can tell CaMi to go to her own room instead.

In  her youth, Pala was a renown talent within the popular sport called  Gravball*. Since early childhood, she attended a prestigious academy of  her home and began a professional career as gate keeper. She made it as  far as the interplanetary team as a gate keeper and quickly gained  international fame and reputation for being almost impossible to score  against.
Around the age of 28, she retired her active career, due to  an unforeseen, yet highly appreciated pregnancy. After having settled  down within the upper regions of the planetary capital, Pala and her  husband focused on living a happy and harmonious life. While she always  used her maiden name when making a public appearance, Pala had actually  changed her family name to that of her husband, to avoid unwanted  publicity for her children. Several years later, Pala joined the academy  she had once graduated from, to train future Gravball talents.  Everything could have been a "happy ever after" ending, until war hit  the planet.

But then, the invaders appeared and the capital was  the first target once the hostile forces reached her planet. The  following days and weeks turned into a nightmarish mess, during which  Pala lost contact to parts of her family, including Veviana. Buildings  collapsed, shuttles burst into flames, and help often came too late.  there were few survivors, but as much as Pala hoped to see a familiar  face among the living, in the end it was always corpses she was asked to  identify. Trying her best to stay optimistic, the elderly woman  continued to join volunteers to rescue people in need or deliver  supplies. Yet the situation became more and more hopeless. Eventually,  Pala was one of the last civilians to leave alive, while the planetary  soldiers sacrificed themselves to cover them from enemy attacks.
Pala then landed in a refugee camp among strangers.

Pala  joined the human weapon program out of her desire to save others and a  strong sense of duty. Yet upon signing up, she had to discover that her  daughter Vevina joined as well. Loudly, Pala demanded her to quit  immediately. This caused quite a scene, yet she knew her daughter had as  much right to be there as she did. Still, Pala refused to admit that,  knowing that her family was her greatest weakness. Eventually though,  both women agreed on joining the program together and promised to be  each other's strength. Still, it was a surprise for both as mother and  daughter were accepted as one of the 88 volunteers. After the  transformation, Pala's greatest worry (caring more for her daughter than  her fellow soldiers) was eradicated. Due to the connection with the  lady and each other, Pala immediately felt about each of the  constellation warriors the same way as she felt about then Apha Tucana.  All of them were her family, her greatest treasure. She knew she would  do anything she could for every single one of them.

Reason for following the Lady of the Stars to the Moon:
After  the war was won, Pala's sense of triumph faded quickly. She began to  feel incomplete without the other constellations and the lady around.  The war had scarred her, physically and mentally, and no matter how many  programs she joined to deal with trauma, they were unable to help her.  The usual therapies failed to work as none of them were designed to deal  with such a special case as Pala and the other constellation warriors  were. Eventually, Pala was exhausted by the absence of success and  started pretending to be fine. Yet she always felt disconnected to  everyone and everything, except her daughter.

 Senshi Powers (Alpha Gen is allowed and encouraged to be Overpowered, though not world-killing Weapons):

OffensiveUses the defense barrier to trap her enemies inside.
Offensive: Summons previously tamed and trained creatures fight along side her
Defensive: Creates  a barrier shaped to her will, with only only one way to pass through,  which is always at her position. Can sustain the shield as long as she  is conscious.
Defensive: Can stop almost every attack with her  bare hands and hurl it back at the attacker. This includes energy  blasts, projectiles, or even rolling boulders.
Passive: TBA
 Weapon: TBA

Battle Notes:
Is actually quite offensive with her passive powers, meaning she will stand in front line to guard her fellow constellations.

Fun facts:
Pala  loves egg salad, the more eggs and mayonnaise, the better. Yet she was  denied it most of the times while pursuing her career, since the academy  staff made sure the athletes gained exactly the nutrition they needed  to perform at their best. Later, trainers working at the academy were  expected to lead by example. As she grew older, despite her perfect  health, Pala's doctor deemed it necessary to warn her and her family  about cholesterol and greasy food and how many elderly people were  suffering from them. So no more egg salad for her as long as a single  family member or alpha senshi is present.

Probably due to the  trauma of loss and the transformation, CaMi ended up treating everyone  younger than her like a child, except for the Lady. While she loves and  respect all of her fellow constellation senshi, she tends to forget  she's dealing with actual adults. Thus, she is giving them all the  support and discipling they need (in her opinion). This includes (not  limited to): congratulating them on successes and good performances,  listening to their worries, asking of they are doing okay if they seem  to be down, wishing them sweet dreams every night, sending them to their  room as penalty, checking if they had a healthy breakfast, etc.

Alpha Tucana (JKDreamer)  - her biological daughter and one of the few people who keeps her in  check by shamelessly exploiting the "unhealthy food" angle.
Alpha Orion (Ra-Punzelle)  - her adopted son and someone who really needs to good mothering. Fear  not, CaMi is here to make up for the years you had none.
Alpha Lynx (Unisamas-Art) - her adopted son and a very quiet one at that. But even though he might look grumpy, CaMi knows, deep down he is a good boy.
Alpha Lupus (@@sailor-alcyone) - her adopted daughter, so far the most mature of her new children.
Alpha Dorado (nickyflamingo)  - Although Dorado highly dislikes not to be treated like a child, CaMi  can't help it, but consider her as another daughter. As a result, they  don't get along too well.
The Lady of the Stars (nickyflamingo)  - her leader, queen, and strangely, mother-figure. Her presence is  extremely soothing and calming for CaMi, especially when she is on a  rampage of good intentions. Plus, the lady is probably the only person  who can tell CaMi to go to her room instead.

*Why yes, I indeed developed a basic concept for this sport!


Takes  place within a three-dimensional area with zero gravity inside. The  goal is to send the ball through the gate of the opposing team. The gate  is surrounded by low gravity platforms and aside the gate keeper, no  other player is allowed to be inside this area. If the ball crossed the  opponent's gate line, the team scores. There are no other fixed player  positions or roles, which allows for a high variety of play styles.  Weapons and offensive spell-casting is forbidden. The arena is covered  in sensors and the referees are carefully trained to notice any  violation of that rule. However, some variants allow non-offensive aids,  such as illusions, healing spells or devices, generating ball replicas,  raising temporary shields, etc. Although there are some limitations in  place: wormholes or other means of teleportation must not end within the  gate keeper zone and only the scores made with the official ball are  counted. Gate keepers are never allowed to use any kind of aid - there  had been issues with tightly sealed off gates in the past.

There  are two main tactics for getting past the keeper: outmanoeuvring or  brute force, that pushes the gate keeper and the ball across the score  line. Due to the high velocity of the ball, the keeper has to deal with a  lot of injuries caused by sheer impact.
Knocked out players are not  replaced in gravball before the played quarter is over, which is another  reason why the gate keeper is a highly valued target. Most teams  therefore use part of their player to protect the gate keeper, although  they are also not allowed to enter the gate area.

The gravball  itself is a actually a spherical robot, which can count scores and give  notice of rule violations. There are a varieties of functions accessible  by players, albeit their availability and the the requirements to  activate them depends on the rules. Usually, the gravball starts  actively altering it's trajectory during the fourth quarter and only  regains its usually passivity as soon as it enters the keeper area.