Ashiya Akira



2 years, 10 months ago


Ashiya Akira

the cat in boxes, unbreathing

Few emerge unscathed after sinking into the Abyss of the Dead; fewer still bounce back with a clean bill of health after being declared dead -- and yet, he does all of those with aplomb. Yet, something seems different ... but what, exactly? Well, best not to ask too many questions ... or open too many boxes.

Nothing is real unless we look at it, and it ceases to be real as soon as we stop looking.

Physical Appearance

age young adult

gender male

height 5'8" / 172cm

weight 130lbs / 59kg

build lean

eyes blue, gold

hair black

complexion fair

  • Japanese.
  • Smug knife cat meme.jpg. Perpetual :3 face, veering into >:3c territory.
  • Messy, rumpled wavy black hair that half-covers his eyes.
  • Bandages around right eye, hands, fingers, arms, neck, upper body, right leg.
  • Occasionally wears a round, gold-rimmed monocle on his left eye, because he's fancy.
  • Extensive burn scars and heavy sutures that are usually covered by his clothes and bandages.
  • Dresses in a lot of business semi-formal, but always makes an effort to look dressed-down. Can also wear black Buddhist monastic robes with gojo-gesa.
  • Can be shown with a khakkhara. It's good for drubbing people with. He's also handy with small (cooking / hunting / skinning) knives.
  • Animal form: fluffy black longhaired cat resembling a Norwegian Forest Cat; has two thick, bushy tails and is odd-eyed.


species witch, cat

birthday may 24

zodiac gemini

alignment dark-chaos

mbti entp

enneagram type 7, enthusiast

temperament sanguine

arcana xiv. art

  • A little meow meow (derogatory). Can be yours ... or anyone else's, he's not fussy.
  • Y'know ... like nyah~ (everyone, probably: Stop).
  • Likes provoking and picking fights with people much larger or more outwardly dangerous than himself, for shits and giggles.
  • Very infuriatingly obtuse, employs obfuscating stupidity a lot.
  • Enjoys small tricks and sleights of hand, and often toys with red string, like playing cat's cradle.
  • Annoyingly cheerful, direct, and chipper. Likes to troll people and give them annoying nicknames.
  • No sense of personal space ...
  • Chatty, engages in a lot of idle prattle ... maybe he just likes the sound of his own voice.
  • Dead person monster wearing a questionably-living skin suit. No, he will not explain. No, he will not accept criticism.