Daniel Wade Everett



6 years, 10 months ago


Name: Daniel Wade Everett

Age: Twenty-one

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 118 lbs

Race: Human


  • Cautious, but friendly
  • Caring, for those around him
  • Easily upset, but not the type to cry
  • Warm


  • Modern AU- Reserved but friendly, Daniel makes it a point to socialize with people he sees daily, or tries to help someone whenever he sees them struggling. He’s not exactly shy but considering his inability to speak it makes it much more difficult to communicate with other people. He’s the stay at home type that spoils three adopted cats; Margo the fat ginger cat, Jacob a sleek black short hair, and Clary a gray and black striped long-haired Maine Coon. He has a phobia of guns that will make him sick to his stomach if he is on the receiving end of the barrel, or the one even handling the weapon. He doesn't want to touch one in any capacity, not even the bullets. If he never sees a gun again it will be too soon.

  • Space AU- Daniel left his homeworld to try and find a place to call his own. After years of living with his well-off family (well off being middle class, not wealthy, not poor) he felt the itch to strike out and make something of himself. For some time he was able to quietly go from one place to another, looking to become a chef after one particular encounter at an old space diner. Luck wasn't much on his side and he was captured to be sold off as a slave on the black market, ending up with some wounds that he'd rather pretend weren't there even after they scarred over. Quickly, he was bought and put to work- the mute hand servant of his new master. It made him regret ever leaving home, even if his planet had been boring and lackluster. After making one mistake too many he was thrown out with the trash, shoved in a direction that his master would never look again, and yet he felt free. He decided to give his dream one more try and wound up at a human run tavern.

  • Kukuri AU- Much like the modern au, Daniel is friendly, but more cautious considering he now lives in a pretty cramped feeling city. Smoke and steam, overfilled trash bins, neon signs, and obnoxiously tacky billboards aplenty. He picked up a job in a small restaurant/dinner with an underground bar and is mostly a chef while he's there. He loves to cook. While he can't talk, his cooking does it for him, and his coworkers never seem to bother him with pesky questions, just tell him what he needed to make and that was that. He still likes to play the clarinet when he's home, and well his current 'pet' as we'll call her is in love with the trilling little honks and twitters it can make. They live in a squished brick house with just enough second floor to meet the requirements for humane living, but with one big beautiful bay window beside the front door. His yard is, well... A concrete alleyway. He doesn't mind too much, the town park is a short thirty-minute walk from home that he's more than willing to take especially now with his kukuri to guide and guard him along the way.

Clothing Styles                                

  • Big sweaters and fitted, dark jeans.
  • Sweatpants and fitted t-shirts with small patterns/stripes.
  • T-shirts, cardigans, and jeans. Beanies everywhere.
  • No piercings, though he has two fidget rings, one on his left index, one on his middle right.
  • He likes to wear thin running shoes mostly, though he will occasionally wear boots and, even rarer, flipflops.


  • Somewhat messy dark brown hair, bold blue eyes, tanned, freckled skin, and scarring. The scars are small circles or ovals peppering over his shoulders, collarbones, and down his arms, even a few stray marks over his back. They're all about the size of a pencil eraser and vary slightly in size. One scar, in particular, is different from the others; it's at the base of his throat and looks like a cross. This is a surgical scar and is the main cause for him being mute, and is about the same size as a golf ball.

Additional information                                

  • Modern AU- Daniel carries a phone or whiteboard everywhere he goes so he can speak to other people. The phone has a brightly colored case, usually emerald green, or light blue, or a coral-red shade. He hasn't had the chance to learn sign language because so few people around him know how to sign, or even how to understand it.
  • Space AU- Similar to the modern au, but with a glass tablet for communication. The glass is scratched and cracked in one corner, but it still works well enough. He doesn't know much sign language still but has found an interest in one of the alien languages that involve a lot of different whistling sounds.
  • Optional Collar- This collar is a big hunk of metal and if you were to take a cross-section of it, that piece would look triangular. It's medium weight and fits close to the skin. It's a matte silver color with a red accent on one side, and a small display on the other. It tracks position, monitors heart rate and body temperature, and displays age, name, and gender. There is a small red button to the left of the display that, when pressed, will show medical details on the screen.