Dr. Nyx ███



2 years, 9 months ago



Object class: SAFE

notes before u start reading

(text) - researcher edits

[text]/small letters - Dr.Nyx edits/notes


Item #: ███

Name: Dr. Nyx ███ . Tends to also answer to "Slut" too, though not oftenly, at times not at all.

Security Clearance Level: The security clearance level Dr. Nyx is thought to have is level █, all data of what the actual level may be tends to be removed with (traces back to Dr. Nyx himself) no traces back to who it is. The answer to what clearance Dr. Nyx has is so far unknown, however, the entity tends to be seen around site ██ [has never been spotted inside, only on the outsides of the site speaking to what seems to be Dr. ███, often transferring documents and data], Site-19, Site-06-3 and Site-54.

Department: Technical Service, Laboratorian, Researcher, ᴵ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ⁿᵒ ˡⁱᶠᵉ ᵃᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵖᵒⁱⁿᵗ.

History: Dr. Nyx, or what was thought to be a strange goop like entity was first found at site █ after Dr. ████ tried to carefully pass by SCP-106's goop like liquid on the floor without getting sucked into it, what Dr. ████ discovered was something they haven't seen before. The entity that was found by the puddle seemed to defeat the laws of the goop formed from SCP-106, and instead of getting sucked into it, it blended right in until stepped on, after which it made a strange squealing noise which startled Dr. ████ at the time. The entity was soon after contained and had multiple experiments done on it. Every experiment lead to the same outcome of no reaction coming from the goop until something alive interacted with it. The goop seemed to be black, so black that it sucked all the light in and made it almost impossible to make out any notable details about it. Said goop was labeled with object class "SAFE" and kept under minimal containment with regular check ups which all lead to dead ends, the goop didn't make any effort to interact with any of the researchers at the time and would only give minimal effort once interacted with first. .

after presumably years of containment the goop started to develop human like features which were assumed to be copies from the DNA it gathered from the interactions with the researchers. It started with limbs attached to goop like substance that was very sticky and stretchy to the touch, it was a uncanny sight to see, slowly becoming easier to digest as the entity formed the appearance of a 5 year old boy, slowly developing emotions and becoming more "alive" once interacted with, often showing the interests of a small child combined with the knowledge of a grown man. It seemed to "grow" at a faster pace than humans, easer to say, it seemed to copy humans at a fast pace [ᵍⁱᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ᵃ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏ] and grow rapidly until it stopped growing at the human age of 23, the actual age of the goop is yet to be discovered.

Current Appearance: Dr. Nyx is a 5'9" [180 cm] slim and lightly masculine entity, assumedly a male, that takes the form of a human that's in their early 20s. He has almost neon like purple eyes that dimly glow once in a dark or barely lit room, however, they tend to glow a brighter purple once under a black light. Dr. Nyxs' skin is pale, often having a soft pink-ish tint to it, which makes it difficult for him to stay long under direct and harsh sunlight [it heavily burns his skin] without any sunscreen or any other form of protection. His skin also tends to be rather see through which makes it easy to see his veins and arteries at times. Both of his ears are pierced in 4 places after he took an interest in piercings. His hair is a dark brown color with the sideburns of his hair being grown out down to his neck and also dyed a dark pinkish-red, almost a wine color, after Dr. ██████ suggested so. He usually wears darker colors under his lab coat, most commonly turtle necks and jeans, which always reek of a nice scent of flowers. [ᵍˡᵃᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ᴵ ᵈᵒ ᵃ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ʲᵒᵇ ᵃᵗ ʷᵃˢʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵐʸ ᶜˡᵒᵗʰᵉˢ :⁾] The most notable detail about his fashion are the bandages he most commonly wears over his mouth and nose, hiding whatever is under there.


Extra Notes:

• Once wounded Dr. Nyx has the ability to regenerate, even if the wound is fatal, making it hard to kill him. The regeneration comes in a form of little strings braiding and overlapping each other until they copy Dr. Nyxs' current DNA and cells, re-creating them. the process can take up to a week in which Dr. Nyx must rest

• His saliva has a "sweet taste" hinting at acid reflux symptoms.

• His diet is plant based most of the time, he tends to eat other products too, however he avoids meat like the plague.

• He doesn't age. lucky

Full Name Dr.Nyx ███
Nickname(s) /
Gender ███
Pronouns he/him
Orientation Aromantic
Age ███
Height 5'9" [180 cm]
Rel. Status lonely
