


2 years, 10 months ago



Item: SCP-455621-C

Object class: Safe to Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-455621-C is to be contained in a 10 x 10 x 10 space, with a 3-layer wall made of copper-clad lead at all times. your floor should be real earth and 1 or 2 artificial trees
repairs must be done to the artificial trees twice a week, it cannot be guarded for more than 12 hours a day, 3 security guards must be at the door with an anti-tank gun and a motion sensor must be connected to the door for 18 hours and if it is exceeded, it must give an electrical discharge of 5000 volts

Temporary Containment Procedure Update: It must be suspended in a transparent cold box reinforced with steel, lead and copper. the floor must be filled with a type of salt water, your door must be lead and steel, and 6 guards must be in front of the door for security. no people around within 4 meters

Description: SCP-455621-C is a 1.80 m tall humanoid being wearing an owl mask and a large blue and white outfit, it does not appear to have hair, any type or even scales. her clothes appear to be tight or tight on her body and her overall appearance is something of a statue to decorate parks, museums and homes.
underneath the item appears to be a void or a dark mass, it is not possible to enter it unless it brings itself into the void

looks like it doesn't need food, research says it just needs a place that looks like a square with a real dirt floor, you can't get it off the ground so it looks like it sticks together like some kind of root. your artificial tree must be made of steel as it starts to rust in a few days, apparently SCP can take its proteins from the steel and nutrients from the earth
he was found in a public park by the foundation, had to be quickly restrained by an anti-tank gun, 3 police officers died being taken to the void of his body

by information from people, he was near a fountain in a public park that on the day he was having a birthday party for a 17 year old teenager, as it is a birthday party so there were a lot of people and in this crowd a group of teenagers went to the SCP and started spraying it with paint, the organism did not react and quickly all the paint that was on its body disappeared.
2 teenagers pushed the SCP and that's when it all started. a family of 4 was killed with a kind of skewer in the chest

appeared to be a peaceful form until it was taken to the foundation, one of the researchers went to the SCP's cell and knocked him down just like the teenagers, then the organism adopted an aggressive form creating types of super sharp tentacles that could even pierce a diamond in the rough.
he killed the researcher and left his containment causing the death of 20 soldiers with anti-tank weapons, apparently he improved his body to be able to defend himself from this type of weaponry.

he went from Insurance class to Keter class after he started spinning in a circle and melting the artificial tree after a scream that left 3 people deaf. his position was directly towards the door of the road but after this event he started to look at one of the corners of his containment, which upon researching it was found that he was looking at a city 600km away with a population of 700 thousand people and where is located an SCP capable of teleporting and sending organisms to other dimensions


Caption for additional images

A word of info about the interview.



Interviewee: SCP-#


Interviewer: This is something I say. (This is something I do)

SCP-#: (Dabs) Radical3


Interviewer's Note: any thoughts or notes made outside the interview

Addendum #.#: Observation Log

Explanation of the study or studies

Observational Log #.OL.# SUMMARY

Subject: SCP-#

Preface: Conditions before the experiment: how did test subject get here, how did they react before the test, and which preparations were made

Observation Notes: Observed behaviour and effects


1. Footnote #1

2. Footnote #2

3. Footnote #3