


2 years, 10 months ago



Mckenna was raised with their mom, half-sister River, and step-dad, as their father never wanted them. Despite the hatred of his own kid, their father wanted Mckenna to be raised into his ruthless and powerful syndicate. Mckenna resented their father. As a teenager, they stopped entertaining his game of custody. Years later, their father would break in, brutally murdering their mom and step-dad in front of them and River. This destruction of their family, their love, had Mckenna with little left to their life.

For weeks, life was miserable, until Mckenna came across a sight to behold. It was a Fixer, The Indigo Void, and she was defending herself against the Midnight’s hoard of Sweepers by herself. Mckenna was inspired. They made it their life goal to be like who she saw, doing research on the Void and her co-Fixer she worked with. They and River trained up hard and dedicated their lives to the goal of murdering Mckenna’s father.

More accurately, Mckenna dedicated their life. Unable to become licensed Fixers, the two siblings lied about their status, assuring their customers they were Fixers. Their syndicate was bloodthirsty in its own ways. They would only take requests that had even the smallest tie to Mckenna’s father, who they kept track of all the details on. People were killed out of suspicion that shouldn’t have been, and people associated with their father were picked off as soon as they were alone. 

Eventually, River became increasingly concerned with how obsessive Mckenna was with their goal. She was happy her sibling had something to live for, but was worried as it now seemed like the only thing. Trying to get out of this before they got over their heads, River spoke about a rumor The Indigo Void was working for L Corp. This caught Mckenna’s attention.

They did not find the Void at L Corp like they had hoped. They witnessed River died in front of them, and had to fight the thing that did it, all right after the other. After all the pressure and anger, not long afterwards Mckenna died to Judgment Bird. They and River were revived during Library of Ruina.

After the ending, it turned out their father was in the District still. Mckenna finally got their chance, their desire, their only goal, and killed him. 

But it wasn’t like how they had dreamed it would be.

It was empty. Their whole personality was their goal, and now it was over. It consumed their life. There wasn’t anything left.

Mckenna distorted into “The Owl of Void.” Their wings are clipped, and they do not have a beak. The only one who they can speak to is River.